Fireworks go off over Gardnerville's Heritage Park on Thursday night in this photo taken by R-C Associate Publisher Tara Addeo.
Genoa, Nev. — Multiple 911 callers reported fireworks on Thursday night around 6:20 p.m., which were part of Gardnerville’s big Christmas Kickoff. If your fireworks show sets off alarms, then you got your money’s worth.
Tonight’s events welcoming Christmas are unlikely to prompt that level of response. Both Genoa and Minden are lighting up their trees around 6 p.m. Minden begins its celebration at 5 p.m., with Genoans caroling in the church starting at 5:30 p.m. Better not to ask how Santa will be both places at once.
Saturday is going to be busy all day with Santa at Toddler Time 9-11 a.m. at the Community & Senior Center, the Holiday Gala 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Carson Valley Museum, the Elks Lodge Craft Fair in the Gardnerville Ranchos, Candy Cane Main in downtown Gardnerville.
All that culminates in the annual Parade of Lights, where retiring East Fork Fire Chief Tod Carlini serving as Grand Marshal. The highway closes at 4:30 p.m. Saturday and the parade gets underway in Gardnerville at 5 p.m.
County commissioners and Verizon agreed to delay a hearing on 5G towers until next spring on Thursday. The courthouse was packed for the item. They also introduced an ordinance to ban truck traffic on several Johnson Lane streets and approved an 84-unit subdivision on the Ranchos left flank.
An older man got knocked off his scooter around 3:50 p.m. Thursday at Highway 395 and Waterloo Lane. The man had a cut to his head but was conscious and breathing.
About 20 minutes later, firefighters responded to a controlled burn on Jacks Valley Ranch near Alpine View. The burners received a stop order and were informed of regulations.
It was around 40 degrees when the fireworks went off in Gardnerville on Thursday. The forecast calls for nearly the same temperature for tonight’s events, and almost 10 degrees warmer for the Parade of Lights on Saturday.
Today will see sunny skies and a high temperature near 54 degrees, while Saturday is forecast to hit 61 degrees, before highs drop back down into the 50s on Sunday.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.