Douglas County legal - 48350

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On 12/5/2024, the Douglas County Board

of Commissioners ADOPTED the following


ORDINANCE: 2024-1633A

TITLE: Ordinance 2024-1633A, an ordinance

approving a zoning map amendment and

planned development overlay district for APN

1220-15-701-001, by: (1) repealing Ordinance

No. 2002-1022 – which changed the zoning

on the same parcel from FR-19 (forest and

range, 19-acre minimum lot size) to SFR-

8,000 (single-family residential, 8,000 square

foot minimum lot size) with a PD (planned

development) overlay (PD 02-06) – because

the associated development was never

inaugurated and the tentative map expired;

and (2) reclassifying the same parcel as

SFR 12,000 (single-family residential, 12,000

square foot minimum lot size) with a PD

(planned development) overlay.

The ordinance shall be in full force and effect

on December 19, 2024, and was adopted by

the following vote: AYE: Danny Tarkanian,

Walt Nowosad, Wesley Rice, Sharla Hales,

Mark Gardner

/s/ Wesley Rice

Wesley Rice, Chairman

Douglas County Board of Commissioners


/s/ Amy Burgans


A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s

Office for public review.

Pub Date: December 11, 18, 2024

Ad # 48350