County Finance Department wins award for budget presentation

Kathy Lewis

Kathy Lewis

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The Douglas County Finance Department received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for 27th of the past 28 years for work on its fiscal year 2024 budget, the county announced on Thursday.

"This award reflects the collaborative effort of our Board of County Commissioners, County leadership, and County staff to deliver a transparent and fiscally responsible budget that serves our residents effectively," said Douglas County Chief Financial Officer Kathy Lewis.

The county has received the award from the Government Finance Officers Association every year since 1997-98 except the pandemic year.

“The only exception occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting the extraordinary challenges of that time,” officials said.
“This remarkable achievement highlights the County's dedication to maintaining the highest standards in budget preparation and presentation.”

To earn this award, the county satisfied nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines ensure that a budget functions effectively as:

• A policy document

• A financial plan

• An operations guide

• A communications device

Each budget document must be rated "proficient" in all four categories and meet 14 mandatory criteria within those categories to qualify for the award.

Recipients set an example for governments across North America by pioneering efforts to improve the quality of public budgeting.