On 12/19/2024, the Douglas County Board of
Commissioners INTRODUCED the following
ORDINANCE: 2024-1643
TITLE: Ordinance 2024-1643, a Zoning Map
Amendment, changing the zoning for a certain
property within the South Shore Area
Plan by classifying the entirety of 201 Manor
Drive (APN 1318-23-401-019), comprising
approximately 4.54 acres, as T-MU (Tahoe
Mixed-Use) with a TC (Town Center) overlay.
SUMMARY: An ordinance approving a Zoning
Map Amendment (ref. DP 24-0180) for
a certain property within the South Shore
Area Plan by classifying the entirety of 201
Manor Drive as T-MU (Tahoe Mixed-Use)
with a TC (Town Center) overlay.
The 2nd Reading of this Ordinance will be held
on 1/16/2025. A copy of this ordinance is on file
in the Clerk’s Office for public review.
Pub Date: December 25, 2024
Ad # 48909