Dec. 25, 2024, Letters to the Editor

A capacity crowd for the second round of Turkey Bingo filled the CVIC Hall in Minden on Nov. 23.

A capacity crowd for the second round of Turkey Bingo filled the CVIC Hall in Minden on Nov. 23.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

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Thanks for the support


On behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley, I would like to thank all the folks that contributed to the success of our Annual Turkey Bingo, hosted at the CVIC Hall in Minden on Nov. 23. On that day, nearly 670 residents patronized our event over the three sessions, and it appeared a good time was had by all. 

Thanks to an incredible donation, courtesy of Peter DiFillipo, owner and operator of ABE Printing and Copy Center, 145 turkeys were distributed to bingo winners. This donation allows our club to give more to our community, specifically those agencies and organizations dedicated to serving children and families. 

This event would not have been as successful without the support of our local businesses, all of whom generously donated to our raffle prizes. These donors include: Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce, Carson Valley Visitors Authority, David Wally’s Hot Springs, Main Street Barber, Battle Born Wine, Douglas County Parks and Recreation Department, Nevada State Railroad Museum, JT Basque Bar & Dining Room, Max’s Pet Supplies and Gifts, Starbucks, Just A Drop, Heritage Bank, Cottonwood Creek Gifts, Pampered Chef, Chocolate Shoppe, Just Ask Marie Weddings and Events. Allen Peake of Double J Auto also donated 9 oil changes, a significant donation of his time and resources. 

We also received significant support from our two service leadership programs, the Douglas High School Key Club and the Kiwanis Aktion Club, who donated their time and efforts throughout the day and night. I would also like to acknowledge the Minden Fortnightly Club members, from whom we received setup assistance the night before, following their annual fundraiser. 

Last but not least, thank you to The Record-Courier for publicizing this event. This was so effective, we unfortunately had no room for latecomers at the first two sessions.

Our annual Ham Bingo event is scheduled for April 12, 2025, also at the CVIC Hall. There will be two sessions, the first at noon and the second at 3 p.m. Doors will open an hour prior to the first session. We are hopeful to fill the hall for another successful bingo.

The Kiwanis International mission is to improve the world by making a difference in the lives of children and communities. The Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley has been actively serving our community for 97 years. If you are inspired to make a difference in our community, we invite you to come to a meeting to see if Kiwanis is for you. We meet at the C.O.D. Casino in Minden every Thursday at 6:30 a.m. (exceptions are made for holidays, and we will not have a meeting on Dec. 26 or Jan. 2). 

On behalf of all our members, we thank you, and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Dan Hamer

Kiwanis President


Anchors Away!


The editor of The Record-Courier and former Douglas County Commissioner John Engels entered into a wager on the recent Army-Navy Game. Editor Hildebrand served in the U.S. Navy during the Iran Hostage Crisis and Engels served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. 

No points straight up winner takes all. Loser must write a letter of defeat to be published in The R-C.

I am deeply humbled and greatly humiliated to admit defeat to Navy veteran Kurt Hildebrand as Army was soundly beaten by Navy. A great game with 125 years of tradition.

John Engels

Former Douglas County Commissioner
