Snow sticks to branches in Genoa where 14 inches fell on Sunday.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
More than a foot of snow falling in several locations across Douglas County today will result in the closure of schools and county offices on Monday.
Douglas County School District officials announced around 4 p.m. that schools would be closed .
East Fork Fire Chief Tod Carlini said the protection district’s offices would be closed on Monday. East Fork firefighters have and will continue to respond to emergencies through the storm.
The county issued a statement at 4:30 p.m. announcing the offices would be closed on Monday.
“Due to severe winter weather and hazardous driving conditions, Douglas County Manager Jenifer Davidson — after consulting with Douglas County Sheriff Dan Coverley — has authorized the closure of county offices Monday,” spokesman Eric Cachinero said. “Aside from essential public safety, corrections, courts, and elections personnel, county offices will close for the day.”
Coverley urged motorists to avoid nonessential travel during hazardous driving conditions.
Cachinero said the closure won’t affect Tuesday’s presidential preference primary.
The Record-Courier has received snow totals from around Carson Valley with Foothill resident Margaret Pross reporting 16 inches and snowing at 3:30 p.m. A spot a mile north of Genoa had 14 inches of snow at 5 p.m.
Johnson Lane resident Terry Taylor reported 13.5 inches near Chowbuck in the north county.
Snow fell through the day on Sunday, with up to 2 inches an hour at times.
Snow telemetry at Heavenly Valley reported 5 inches of snow fell on Sunday.
According to National Weather Service radar the storm came from due south with locations in the Gardnerville Ranchos receiving more snow than the mountains did during the day.