Douglas County legal - 39528

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On 12/21/2023, the Douglas County Board of

Commissioners INTRODUCED the following


ORDINANCE: 2023-1631

TITLE: Ordinance 2023-1631, an ordinance

amending various provisions of Chapter

2.02 and 2.26 of the Douglas County Code,

relating to the China Spring Youth Camp.

SUMMARY: Ordinance 2023-1631, an

ordinance amending various provisions

of Chapters 2.02 and 2.26 of the Douglas

County Code, relating to the China Spring

Youth Camp in Douglas County. The

amendments include but are not limited to:

(1) reclassifying employees of the China

Spring Youth Camp; (2) bringing Chapter

2.26 into compliance with the requirements

of NRS Chapter 244; (2) setting forth the

powers, duties, and compensation of the

camp director; (3) modifying the powers

and duties of the advisory board; (4)

adjusting the membership of the advisory

board; (5) clarifying that meetings of the

advisory board are subject to NRS Chapter

241 (Nevada’s open meeting law); (6)

eliminating the executive committee; (7)

clarifying the director’s responsibilities

with regard to the camp’s programs of

education and training; (8) modifying the

procedures for accepting monetary gifts

or bequests; and (9) establishing minimum

standards of operation.

The 2nd Reading of this Ordinance will be

held on 1/18/2024

A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s

Office for public review.

Pub Date: December 30, 2023

Ad # 39528


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