Elks’ new sign shines bright

The new Tahoe-Douglas Elks readerboard off Kimmerling in front of the Lodge.

The new Tahoe-Douglas Elks readerboard off Kimmerling in front of the Lodge.
Amy Roby

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It’s been more than a year and a half since a car accident caused significant damage to the Tahoe-Douglas Elks Lodge and sign.

Repairs to the building’s main water connection happened immediately, but replacing the sign in front of the Lodge took much longer due to issues with weather, obtaining the proper permits, and finding a contractor to perform the work.

After navigating those hurdles, a new digital sign was installed in November. The lighted board enables the community to easily read about Lodge events and fundraising activities.

 “Elks invest in their communities through programs that help children grow up healthy and drug-free, by undertaking projects that address their immediate needs, and by honoring the service and sacrifice of our veterans.” The Tahoe-Douglas Elks Lodge is located at 1227 Kimmerling Road in the Gardnerville Ranchos. Find more information at tahoedouglaselks.org/.

New meteor shower visible

The Geminids meteor shower is just a few weeks past and yet here we are, already welcoming another nighttime sky show. The Quadrantids meteor shower peaked Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

The Quadrantids were active starting the day after Christmas and will remain so through Jan. 16. They originate from the space object 2003 EH1, discovered in 2003 by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search (LONEOS). 2003 EH1 is thought to be a small asteroid or possibly a rock comet, but “small” is a relative term here as the object measures about two miles across. Find more information at science.nasa.gov/solar-system/meteors-meteorites/quadrantids/.

For best viewing, bundle up and head outside after dark if the weather is clear. Find an open expanse of sky away from other light sources and lie back with your feet pointing northeast. Soften your gaze while taking in as much of the sky as possible.

Meteor showers remind us to keep looking upward and keep hope in our hearts. I searched for meteors the evening of the Geminids’ peak back in December, but it wasn’t until a walk early the next morning that I caught a quick streak of light out the corner of my eye. That small glimpse was a happy moment, and then I looked up again a few moments later and was treated to a truly spectacular orb of light shooting eastward across the sky.

Words to welcome the new year

2024 has arrived and as we mark this annual passage of time, please enjoy this message of inspiration and hope written by poet and journalist Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919). The poem is simply titled, “New Year.”

Know this! there is nothing can harm you

If you are at peace with your soul.

Know this, and the knowledge shall arm you

With courage and strength to the goal.

Your spirit shall break every fetter,

And love shall cast out every fear.

And grander, and gladder, and better

Shall be every added new year.

This poem is in the public domain.

Amy Roby can be reached at ranchosroundup@hotmail.com.


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