Master Gardeners host Seed Swap

Dozens of people came out to swap seeds and gardening tips during UNR Extension Douglas County Master Gardner’s seed swap Saturday.

Dozens of people came out to swap seeds and gardening tips during UNR Extension Douglas County Master Gardner’s seed swap Saturday.

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Douglas County Master Gardeners invite the community to their third annual Seed Swap on 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Jan. 27 at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center, 1329 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville.

The event takes place in the South Room and offers attendees an opportunity to peruse and take home a variety of seeds donated by seed companies and growers in our community. Local Master Gardeners are already sorting and organizing collected seeds into different categories of herbs, vegetables, and ornamental annuals and perennials, all of which do well in the Carson Valley’s high-desert, mountainous climate.

To that effort, organizers are gathering unused seed packets from previous growing seasons, unwanted healthy houseplants, and clean seedling pots for the swap. Donations of any of these items can be dropped off at the University of Nevada, Reno Extension-Douglas County office at 1325 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Items can also be brought directly to the Seed Swap.

UNR Extension Master Gardeners and other local experts will be on hand to provide information and answer questions from the public. There’s a suggested donation of $5 to attend the event, with all proceeds supporting the Master Gardeners program in Douglas County.

Anyone with an interest in gardening or curious about expanding their science-based knowledge of gardening practices can consider joining the Master Gardeners program. The American Horticultural Society ( says, “The Master Gardener program, typically offered through universities in the United States and Canada, provides intensive horticultural training to individuals who then volunteer as Master Gardeners in their communities by giving lectures, creating gardens, conducting research, and many other projects.”

Douglas County Master Gardeners work in partnership with the University of Nevada-Reno Extension. These volunteers then utilize their training to provide outreach, education, and best gardening practices to the public.

A few of the Master Gardener projects in Douglas County include coordinating and implementing various community events and workdays throughout the year, planning and upkeep of the recently installed the Pollinator Garden at the local extension office, maintaining Gertrude’s Gardens and other planting beds at Dangberg Ranch, and hosting the upcoming annual Seed Swap.

To learn more about the Master Gardeners of Douglas County or fill out an interest form, visit

Questions abut the Master Gardener program or the Seed Swap can be directed to UNR Extension Horticulture Outreach Coordinator Jessica Gardner at 775-782-9960 or

Amy Roby can be reached at


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