Partnership staff helps translate Naloxone training

Partnership Douglas County Community Prevention Coordinator Jazzy Peralta, Bilingual Prevention Coordinator Neyzer Torres, Administrative Assistant Daena Escamilla and Prevention Coordinator Araceli Valadez.

Partnership Douglas County Community Prevention Coordinator Jazzy Peralta, Bilingual Prevention Coordinator Neyzer Torres, Administrative Assistant Daena Escamilla and Prevention Coordinator Araceli Valadez.

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The Latinas at Partnership Douglas County helped the University of Nevada, Reno, Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies film a statewide Naloxone training in Spanish.

"Es importante capacitarnos en cómo usar Naloxona porque nos brinda las herramientas y la confianza de que podemos salvar una vida. La acción rápida es una vida salvada," said Bilingual Prevention Coordinator Neyzer Torres.

With the right tools and prevention education, Partnership’s mission and vision can prevail.

"Every single day we take part in prevention, whether or not we are aware of it,” said Executive Director Daria Singer. “To me, prevention is taking the time to invest in yourself, your family, friends and your community for a happier and healthier future."

The Partnership likened carrying Naloxone to being trained in CPR.

“You never know when you might need to save someone’s life, Singer said. “Naloxone is a safe medication that has no known drug interaction and is used to revive someone who has overdosed from prescribed or illicit opioids. We advocate for everyone to be prepared, carry naloxone, and save a life."


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