Four-year superintendent contract goes to school board on Tuesday

Ukiah Unified Assistant Superintendent Frankie Alvarado was selected to be Douglas County School Superintendent late Tuesday night.

Ukiah Unified Assistant Superintendent Frankie Alvarado was selected to be Douglas County School Superintendent late Tuesday night.

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If all goes well, the search for a new Douglas County school superintendent could end Tuesday.

School board trustees are scheduled to hear the four-year, $175,000 contract with Ukiah Unified Assistant Superintendent Frankie Alvarado at their 4 p.m. meeting at Douglas High School.

Alvarado was offered the position during the June 11 school board meeting.

According to the contract, it will be in effect through July 9, 2028, which is the longest period allowed under state law.

After the completion of the first year, Alvarado would receive a 3-percent step increase, a 4-percent after the second year and 5 percent after the third year, according to the contract.

If the collective bargaining units for the district agree to forego an increase or suffer a wage freeze, so will the superintendent.

Under the contract, Alvarado could be fired for cause without a hearing or any penalties.

Should the school board decide to terminate him without cause, Alvarado would have to be notified 90 days in advance and paid severance, all of the aggregate salary, allowances and compensation.

The superintendent search has been ongoing since Keith Lewis left the position in November.

In February, two applicants were interviewed, but concerns over one’s criminal record and the other’s near retirement put off the search for another couple months.

During the April 9 meeting, the position was offered to Executive Director of Inclusive Education Jeannie Dwyer, who was appointed as interim superintendent in November, but was ultimately rejected the full time position by a 4-3 vote with trustees Linda Gilkerson, Carey Kangas, and Yvonne Wagstaff in support of Dwyer.

The search was reopened with six potential applicants, which the board ranked based on experience and education and the final two were interviewed during the June 11 meeting.

During the meeting, the board asked Alvarado and Silver Stage High School Principal Patrick Peters questions based on their experiences, what they thought about EPIC and DEI framework, and how they intend to increase enrollment.

Doug Englekirk made the motion to appoint Alvarado despite popular ratings and comments, which was approved with trustees Wagstaff, Kangas, and Gilkerson opposed.

Alvarado has over 15 years of teaching and administration experience. He holds a bachelor of arts in liberal studies: human development and a master of education: special emphasis from the University of La Verne, Calif.

Should his contract be approved, it takes effect immediately.


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