School board approves adding nonvoting student member

Madelynn Kennedy

Madelynn Kennedy

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A month after graduating from Douglas High School, Madelynn Kennedy fulfilled the legacy she promised to leave behind when the board approved a policy for a student representative seat on the Douglas County School Board during Tuesday’s meeting.

Trustee Linda Gilkerson made a motion to approve a second reading of policy 548 regarding a student representative, second by Trustee Carey Kangas, and passed 5-2 with Trustees Susan Jansen and Katherine Dickerson opposed. 

Kennedy suggested a student representative to the school board during the May 16, 2023, board meeting explaining her vision of a student seat at the board table as a non-voting participant to provide opinion, feedback and to foster a sense that the students of the district have a voice. 

During the meeting Kennedy, while still a junior at Douglas, said she had the idea for more student representation on the board after an interaction with board members in her leadership class. 

Kennedy said she spoke with some of her classmates and many, along with herself, did not agree with some of the polices of the board and many felt they were not allowed to attend board meetings or to reach out to board members, and that they didn’t “deserve” to know and understand the rules made about them.

“I want to change that,” she said. “The board needs to hear from students and their own experiences because despite what some might think ‘that our parents own us,’ and they do in some ways, but they do not own our thoughts, opinions, nor our right to have a voice in the decisions being made about us.”

Kennedy said she feels the board does not represent her or other student’s interests.

“That’s not necessarily anyone’s fault,” she said, “but it will be your fault if you don’t agree to let us have some say in our education.”

Kennedy spent over a year urging the board to take action on her idea before it was finally agendized and discussed during the Feb. 13 board meeting. During that meeting, Trustee Yvonne Wagstaff made a motion to gather more information and continue the discussion for possible action after legal counsel and the superintendent drafted a policy to include a student representative on the board. The motion was second by trustee Carey Kangas and passed unanimously.

The first draft of policy 548 was brought before the trustees during the April 9 meeting, where discussion and changes were made to each students’ term, what and who they would represent, and how the students would be chosen to represent.

According to the final policy, students will have an opportunity to share their perspectives, engage in discussion, and collaborate with the Board on student matters.

Representatives will be selected from each district high school from the Junior and Senior classes based on criteria such as demonstrated leadership, communication skills, and commitment to the school community. Students will serve a term of one semester, each semester equals 4 months, after which a new representative will be selected through the established process. Students may serve multiple terms if re-selected through the process, if no one else is waiting to serve, and has been considered and approved by the board.

The student representative to the board will act as a liaison between the student body and the board ensuring student concerns, ideas, and feedback are effectively communicated. Students are required to follow NRS regulations pertaining to Open Meeting Laws, receive proper training, and adhere to board policies and bylaws. They must maintain good academic standing and demonstrate positive behavior throughout their term and conduct themselves professionally and respectfully during meeting and interactions with board members.


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