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Availability of a Finding of No Significant Impact


Rural Development

Pine View Estates Homeowner’s Association: Notice of Finding of

No Significant Impact

AGENCY: Rural Development, Nevada State Office, USDA

ACTION: Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact.

SUMMARY: The Rural Development, Nevada State Office, (RD-NV

USDA) has made a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) with

respect to a request for possible financing assistance to a project

proposed by Pine View Estates Homeowner’s Association (PVEHOA),

Gardnerville, Douglas County, Nevada, for the construction of the Pine

View Estates Wastewater Improvement project.

FURTHER INFORMATION: To obtain copies of the EA and FONSI, or for further information, contact: Maria Murillo, Assistant Environmental Coordinator, RD USDA, 2730 North Deer Run Road, Suite 1, Carson City, NV 89701. Phone: (775) 443-4762. Email:

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed project consists

of construction of 5,800 linear feet of a 12-inch gravity sanitary sewer

main and installation of twenty 48-inch diameter manholes. The new

sanitary sewer line will interconnect PVEHOA to the Minden-Gardnerville

Sanitation District’s (MGSD’s) existing collection system. The sewer line

will be built within a 40-foot-wide construction corridor, with a 20-footwide

permanent easement across private land when complete. More

specific information may be found in the EA and FONSI statements.

The availability of the EA for public review was announced via notice in

the following newspaper(s): Record-Courier on May 4, 2024, and May

8, 2024. A 30-day comment period was announced in the newspaper

notice(s). The EA was also available for public review at the Nevada

USDA Rural Development office and website. No comments were


Based on its EA, commitments made by PVEHOA, and no public

comments received, RD-NV USDA has concluded that the project would

have no significant impact to water quality, wetlands, floodplains, land

use, aesthetics, transportation, or human health and safety.

The proposed project will have no adverse effect on resources listed

or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The

Agency has also concluded that the proposed project is not likely

to affect federally listed threatened and endangered species or

designated critical habitat thereof. The proposed project would not

disproportionately affect minority and/or low-income populations.

No other potential significant impacts resulting from the proposed project

have been identified. Therefore, RD-NV USDA has determined that this

FONSI fulfills its obligations under the National Environmental Policy

Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Council on Environmental

Quality Regulations (40 CFR §§ 1500-1508), and USDA Rural

Development’s Environmental Policies and Procedures (7 CFR Part

1970) for its action related to the project.

RD-NV USDA is satisfied that the environmental impacts of the proposed

project have been adequately addressed. RD-NV USDA federal action

would not result in significant impacts to the quality of the human

environment, and as such it will not prepare an Environmental Impact

Statement for its action related to the proposed project.

Dated: July 20, 24, 2024

Pub Date: July 20, 24, 2024 Ad # 45078


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