The Douglas County Sheriff's Office won the miscellaneous category with its "MTV-RAP" in the Carson Valley Days Parade on Saturday.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
All About Youth’s Tim Miller was named Carson Valley Days Citizen of the Year by the Carson Valley Active 20-30 Club on Saturday.
Miller takes over for Carson Valley Lion Ron Santi, who served as this year’s grand marshal.
With 84 entries this year, thanks in part to 13 political entries, the parade took about an hour to clear Minden on its way to Gardnerville and Lampe Park.
Overall winner was Northwest Martial Arts which brought the whole dojo out to walk the parade route.
The theme this year was Music in the Carson Valley and some of the winners actually had live bands in tow.
In addition to the school bus, the Douglas County School District entry featured a guitar and drum combo.
Commercial category winner was United Electrical Services, which also featured live performers.
While the election is still under way, county commissioner hopeful Nathan Tolbert won the political category in the parade towing Miki Rae and the Hooligans.
Amacker Ranch won the Western-Rancher category, while the Town of Minden won for Antique Vehicle and Carson Valley Swim Center for the Noncommercial Category.
MTV was a popular theme with the Swim Center entry playing the Buggles “Video Killed the Radio Star” and “I Want to be a Lifeguard” as they passed into downtown Minden.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office turned the MRAP into the MTV-RAP to win the Miscellaneous Category.
Tumbleweeds Gymnastics won Youth Sport category, with the Gardnerville Basque Club winning for best Nonservice Club and Shriners taking the Service Club entry.
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At least the heat dome over Western Nevada has lifted a bit for the annual Carson Valley Days Parade which will close Highway 395 at 8 a.m. today.
Entries will start staging at the Douglas High School Parking lot around 7 a.m. before lining up along County Road in preparation for the parade start at 9 a.m.
As of 5 a.m. today, temperatures are down around 50 degrees, but are forecast to warm up to 72 degrees by parade start and climb to 87 by noon.
Even with the slightly cooler weather, parade goers should remember to stay hydrated.
The annual Carson Valley Days Carnival is up and running at Lampe Park and opens at 9 a.m. today and Sunday.
Highway 395 will be closed by 8 a.m. between Buckeye Road and Waterloo Lane for the We Run This Town 5k just before the parade.
Also closed will be every side street that enters the highway within the closure area.
County Road will be closed from Highway 88 to Minden Park as entries gather in the parking lot of Douglas High School.
7 a.m. Parade Registration at Douglas High School
7 a.m. ‘We Run This Town’ 5k fun run registration
7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Carson Valley Days Art Show
8 a.m. ‘We Run This Town’ 5K
9 a.m. Carson Valley Days Parade
9 a.m. to close Carnival
Noon to 2 p.m. Live Music Miki Rae and the Hooligans
1-2 p.m. Bean Sac Races
2-3 p.m. Horseshoe Tournament
2-3 p.m. Water Balloon Toss
2:30-4 p.m. Beard Contest
3-4 p.m. Obstacle Course
4-5 p.m. Teen Tug O’ War
4:30-5:30 p.m. Arm Wrestling
5:30-7 p.m. Live Music Quitter
6-8 p.m. Carson Valley Days Art Show artists reception
7-8 p.m. Adult Tug O’ War
8-9:30 p.m. Live Music Deception
10:30-11:59 p.m. Jenes & The Juice
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Carnival
11 a.m. to noon Cornhole Tournament
Noon to 3 p.m. Karaoke with DJ Sheri Lynn
Noon to 1 p.m. Raffle Drawing
1-2 p.m. Food Eating Contest