Silver Stage principal pens infinite playlist

Patrick Peters

Patrick Peters

Silver Stage High School Principal and 1983 Douglas High School graduate, Patrick Peters, recalls his 30-year career as an educator while implementing popular songs such as “Remember This” by the Jonas Brothers, Ed Sheeran’s “A Beautiful Game,” and 12 others to accentuate those experiences in his book, “Beyond the Classroom: Stories behind the scenes in public education.”

Published April 26, Peters said “Beyond the Classroom” is not a celebration of his career nor is it to be seen as self-congratulatory or self-promoting, instead it is a collection of stories through the eyes of an educator and his willingness to step outside of the classroom and embody the change he wishes to see.

“I could have talked about all the negative, happy, or funny parts of education, but those are part of a different story,” said Peters. “This was about the teachers who reach kids and families and go above and beyond.”

Peters said the use of songs throughout the book, are a fun way to help people remember an experience.

“It’s something I do in my speeches during graduation,” he said. “Music has the power to take someone back to a moment.”

Similarly, the songs in “Beyond the Classroom,” emphasize the stories and sets the scene for the message Peters wants to convey, making it relatable and personal.

“Beyond the Classroom” aims to challenge, educate, and emphasize a commitment to students.

“I believe a good community starts within the schools and the students,” said Peters.

Each story highlights the care, commitment, belief, and expectation Peters has put into his career and personal life, while leading others to do the same for themselves.

Throughout the book, the reader gets a sense of how important education is to Peters, how each experience made him feel, and the impact it left on not only his students and staff, but for himself.

“I can never repay the people who have helped me feel that I truly made a difference in their lives,” Peters wrote. “What most of them don’t know is the huge difference they made in mine.”

Peters has spent his life as an educator in Nevada, beginning as an elementary school paraprofessional, receiving teaching credentials and degrees, teaching math, social studies and technology computer/classroom networking, and coaching seventh and eighth grade basketball.

He went on to become the principal at Silver State High School, where he has spent the last 19 years.

Peters said his book and applying to become superintendent of Douglas County School District have nothing to do with each other, but everything to do with his personal commitment to go beyond the classroom.

“I do believe I have the values of this valley and voice in this valley, but the title of superintendent is one thing, the most important is teacher,” he said. “I love to teach, and I will never stop being a teacher.” 

 “Beyond the Classroom: Stories behind the scenes in public education” is available for purchase on Amazon.


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