Does your mind drift?

Tim Johnson

Tim Johnson

If you are like me, you will admit that it doesn’t take much effort for your mind to drift into a world of what “if’s.” 

It happens before you know it’s happening.  I can be reading the Bible or anything else for that matter, and the next I know I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do with my lottery winnings.  I haven’t ever played the lottery!  It can take great effort to set your mind to the task of keeping a clear goal of having a clear and compelling thought.  Proverbs 4:25, Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you”.  In other words, “Fix your gaze in front of you.”  A clear picture could come to you all at once, like a flash of lightning, but for most of us it doesn’t work like this.   Most of us need to work at it, clarifying it, and re-defining it.  The process can be difficult, this is not a reason to give up.  If it’s too easy for you, then maybe you aren’t dreaming big enough.  Anything worthwhile in life takes hard work.  I have heard people say that “life is a marathon not a sprint”.  It’s just like personal training is a must to achieving any physical goal.  Personal training for your mind is no different.  This training is vital to achieving the wonderful visions and goals that the Lord has placed into your heart and mind.  Everything good is worth the work.  Everything good is worth fighting for.  The life goals or paths that God has placed within you are worth the work and struggle to achieve them.  Today and everyday keep working on your goals.  Your vision which the Lord gave you will always be worth fighting for.  If you don’t know the vision the Lord has for you, get into the word of God, pray, and listen to Him.  Most times it’s just learning to listen.  When you do find yourself drifting into that lottery dream world, laugh and giggle at yourself.  Then get back to your task at hand and achieve the greatness that God has for you.

Tim Johnson is the outreach pastor and Valley Christian Fellowship


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