Douglas continues school board association affiliation

Yvonne Wagstaff

Yvonne Wagstaff

After debating whether to cut ties with the Nevada Association of School Boards in January, the board not only decided to remain with the association, but appointed Trustee Yvonne Wagstaff as a co-representative during the June 11 meeting.

Trustee Doug Englekirk made a motion to continue Dickerson’s representation on NASB, who currently serves as a director with the association, and appoint Wagstaff as the co-representative. The motion was seconded by Gilkerson and approved unanimously by the board.

In January the board considered cutting ties with the NASB when Dickerson said she would not approve membership renewal because there have been topics she thought were “concerning” and “disturbing.”

During that meeting, President-Elect and Carson City School Board Trustee Mike Walker and NASB Executive Director Rick Harris presented information to the board stating that the association advocates for elected training and mentoring to school boards and provide various topics school districts might face, while creating a unified voice from all participates.

Since then, Dickerson has spoken more in detail with Harris about her concerns.

“We had a conversation and I feel it helped me in moving forward and understanding a bit of this more,” she said.

All 17 school boards throughout Nevada are members in the association.


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