Kim Harris portraying Laura Fair at the Dangberg Home Ranch on June 21 with members of the Red Hat Society. Harris will be portraying Mrs. James tonight at the Home Ranch to Mike Olsen's Will. Photo special to The R-C by Barb Geibel.
Genoa, Nev. — The third red flag warning of 2024 goes into effect 2-11 p.m. today with a lake wend advisory starting at noon. It’s going to be a blustery afternoon with west winds running 15-20 mph, gusting to 30 mph.
The Pony Express re-rider is near Fort Churchill as of 6 a.m. today after having to change routes when Tuesday night’s heavy rain forced a detour to Fallon. The rider is due in Carson City at 12:30 p.m. and should be in Genoa around 3 p.m. if the ride’s on time.
It doesn’t appear that Douglas County got a single drop of rain from Tuesday’s thunderstorms. A spot northeast of Schurz got .96 inches with .91 inches of that falling in a single hour around 6 p.m.
Conservation Ambassadors Wildlife Show is 4 p.m. today at the CVIC Hall in Minden as part of the Douglas County Public Library’s Reading Program. Visit for information.
Mike Olson will portray Nevada cowboy artist and author Will James 6:30 p.m. today at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park. Kim Harris will portray James’ wife Alice. Cost, $20. Information, or 775-265-7137.
It’s Wind Down Wednesday 4-8 p.m. at Heritage Park today. Gilman should be open through the event, closing later tonight, according to this morning's text.
Besides the wind, the forecast is calling for sunny skies and the first day with the temperature below 90 degrees in five days. The high is forecast to hit 89, so don’t get too excited.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at khildebrand or 775-782-5122.