Through God we can overcome

Gene Holman

Gene Holman
Special to The R-C

1 JOHN 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith”.

The word “Overcomer” is a word not often used today but, in the Bible, we find it used frequently. It simply means the winner of the invisible spiritual conflict between good and evil. It is translated to English from a Greek word meaning, “to conquer,”, “prevail” or “have victory over.” and appears 16 times in the New Testament.

 Of course, life for everyone has challenges, and some are life changing. It is estimated that at least 10 life-changing events occur in every human life. And it is most likely that the first is the loss of parents or other loved ones in the family circle. Others are related to occupation, finances, and people relationships. Sooner or later, personal health issues become a significant issue for everyone.

The challenges of life for Christian believers are greater than non-Christians because the Christian faith is strongly and explicitly opposed to moral wrongs and injustices that are denounced in Scripture, yet commonly practiced in society today. Not to mention the unconscious but powerful influence of fallen human nature whose default mind set is self -absorption and a world view that revolves narrowly around selfish- interests.

Paul’s warning in his epistle to young Timothy (2nd. Tim. 3:12-13), raises a red flag to all believers. He writes, “-All who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived”. It is a fact that the many last-day prophecies in the Bible describe circumstances and moral conditions that bear a striking resemblance to the days we are now living in. Even with all the advances in every category of human life, living is more challenging today than ever before and anxiety seems to prevail at the highest level. There are many more negative precedents being set in our nations and society than at any time in our 248-year history.

The good news is that there are still strong motivators in the Bible concept of, “overcoming”, to those who are discouraged and find themselves weak in determination. For example, there are more than ten incredible benefits and promises of Jesus for those who are overcomers. This should inspire and motivate us to become one.

“Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God”? (1st. john 5:4-5”)

The Fourth of July celebration when our thoughts turn to the remembrance of our unique national history is another strong motivator. Our country was founded at a time when most people practiced the Christian faith and believed in prayer. The nation has survived many times and events that could have ended in catastrophe, but there were overcomers who stayed the course of faith, determination, patience and prayers and who won great victories notwithstanding incredible challenges. Putting our faith in God, we will also become an overcomer.

Pastor Gene Holman of Living Word Fellowship in Gardnerville is a member of Carson Valley Ministers’ Association


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