Friends of Dangberg invite fourth-graders showcase talents

The historic Dangberg Home Ranch is the centerpiece for a park in Carson Valley.

The historic Dangberg Home Ranch is the centerpiece for a park in Carson Valley.

The nonprofit Friends of Dangberg Home Ranch is inviting fourth-grade public and private students to showcase their writing and artistic talents.

Participants are encouraged to reflect on the factors that have contributed most to the growth and development of the community in Carson Valley.

Students may choose to express their ideas through either a written essay or a piece of art. Essay topics may include, but are not limited to, the impact of agriculture, the importance of Indigenous peoples, the growth of tourism, or the role of local landmarks. Art submissions can encompass a wide range of mediums done on paper or flat canvas and should be accompanied by a brief description of the artist's inspiration and intention.

"We are excited to provide young students with an opportunity to engage with the history and community of Carson Valley in a creative and meaningful way," said Friends Education Specialist Sierra Meszaros. "This contest not only encourages artistic expression but also promotes a deeper understanding of our local heritage."

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top essays and art pieces, with six prize winners and two runners-up selected.

To participate, students are required to submit their original work by the deadline. Essays can be submitted via email to, while art projects can be mailed or dropped off at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park.

More information about the contest, including submission guidelines and entry forms, is available at, or by writing to Sierra Meszaros at

Entries must be submitted by noon May 1. Announcement of winners will be June 1 with community-wide announcements by June 15.


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