Looking north from Buckeye Road is 57 acres of property purchased by the county last year for the future home of the Douglas County Judicial Center.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
A zone change for the site of the new justice center off Buckeye Road was approved by Douglas County commissioners on Thursday.
The zone change on 57 acres purchased last year converted land in the Buckeye Farms plan from agricultural to public facilities.
While county commissioners are typically the final word on a project, in the case of the justice center, the Town of Minden has yet to conduct a design review.
Minden Town Board members may see the final design at their June meeting.
Community Development Planner Linda Doherty said that elevation drawings in Thursday’s packet are just for reference and that changes will come to the design.
The roughly 50,000-square-foot courthouse would be built along Buckeye Road near the future intersection of Muller Lane Parkway.
In March, Minden Town Board members and residents expressed dissatisfaction with the design.
During a presentation in April, Engineer Rob Anderson representing Douglas County, said there was a considerable amount of work on the site plan and architectural design that delayed the presentation of a new design.
Financing the project will include a $37 million bond supported by sales tax revenue and another $14 million from the county’s nickel property tax devoted to infrastructure.