2024 Nevada Primary Election: Republican candidates for United States Senate

Editor’s Note: Jeff Gunter, Ronda Kennedy and Gary Marinch didn’t return requests to participate.

Sam Brown

Occupation: Retired U.S. Army captain; small businessman

Age: 40

Contact: Sam@captainsambrown.com; www.captainsambrown.com


U.S. Military Academy at West Point; Southern Methodist University, Master of Business Administration



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

U.S. senators develop our national laws and budgets, review and confirm presidential appointments, and oversee federal agencies. A true representative of Nevada will be an advocate for our state interests, secure funding for projects, address constituent concerns, and promote economic growth and welfare initiatives tailored to Nevada’s unique needs.

A brief statement about your platform

My grassroots senate platform is built upon a deep gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy, the opportunities of the American Dream, and a commitment to defending both.

America is headed in the wrong direction. It’s not just me saying that – the majority of Nevadans agree our Constitutional values and the American Dream are under attack. Joe Biden and Jacky Rosen are to blame. America is facing a terrible crime and drug wave because of their open border policies, and Nevadans are suffering some of the highest energy, grocery, and housing costs in the nation.

My platform calls for immediately securing our southern border and destroying the drug cartels; delivering permanent tax cuts so working families keep more of their money and can afford to buy homes; cutting reckless federal spending to reduce inflation; delivering school choice to empower parents and better our education systems; and cutting burdensome regulations to unleash the full potential of American energy and entrepreneurs.

Jacky Rosen hasn’t delivered for Nevadans. She’s neglected us for the past 6 years, and we’re suffering because of it. I’m a new kind of grassroots leader – one who will fight for Nevadans, President Trump’s America First policies, and our constitutional liberties.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

As a small businessman, I’ve had to make the tough choices — to make payroll while staying competitive in the market; to negotiate and deliver our services efficiently and on time; and to be bold and take risks.

Too many politicians these days don’t know what it’s like to run a business; too many politicians these days don’t appreciate the hard work it takes to achieve the American Dream.

But I do.

I worked and led teams at an Amazon warehouse while I built my successful small business. I supported my growing family while going to school and earning my MBA. I led troops into war-torn combat zones in Afghanistan. All of it required courage and sacrifice while under fire.

We need more leaders and more fighters in congress. Not more politicians.

When I served in the Army, I fought alongside everyone. It didn’t matter your rank, your politics, or your religious beliefs … we fought for America’s security and best interests. That’s what we should demand of our elected leaders. And if, like Jacky Rosen, they aren’t up for the task — then we must vote them out.

My combined life experiences in the military; as a small businessman; as a father and husband; as a factory worker; and as a Nevadan have prepared me to go into the Senate with a “no nonsense” approach. Nevadans don’t need talking points – we need solutions. I’m taking on this challenge to serve our country yet again because I consider it my duty to do everything I can to help save our state and country.

My mission will be to listen to the needs of Nevadans and fight like hell to deliver results. I’ve done it as a father, a small businessman, a soldier … and I’ll do it as your next U.S. Senator.

Bill Conrad

Occupation: Retired military and general contractor
Age: 66
Contact: bill@conrad2024.com

Record of service:

Thirty-one years of active and reserve, which included multiple tours in Afghanistan. Over my career, I was a Green Beret, a civil affairs officer, and a Black Hawk helicopter pilot. I served in the regular Army, Air National Guard, and later in the Army Reserves on Active Duty.


BS: United States Military Academy, West Point. Additionally, I am studying cinematography at Full Sail University online and have completed 16 weeks of study and have 14 weeks left to earn a BA in cinematography.



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

As a U.S. Senator, my core duties include legislating by proposing, debating, and voting on laws; representing their state's interests and concerns; overseeing federal agencies and programs; and providing constituent services such as assisting with federal benefits and addressing issues affecting constituents.

A brief statement about your platform.

My top three priorities when elected are:
Secure the board
Balance the budget
Promote traditional family values

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

My unique career path, marked by an unwavering dedication to public service, spans 31 years of active and reserve duty in the armed forces as a Green Beret, civil engineer, and rescue helicopter pilot, with multiple tours to Afghanistan.
This journey, which began with my graduation from West Point in 1980, continued with my election to the Modesto City Council twice.
However, one of my experiences that made me the best qualified occurred in 2004 when I worked in Title 32 and Title 10 status with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in Washington, D.C. At the time, I was a lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard. I became a valuable asset because I had served on the Modesto City Council and was also a civil engineer. One of the highlights of that year was developing counterterrorism plans for the Democrat and Republican Conventions of 2024 in Boston and New York. These plans, which were instrumental in ensuring the safety and security of the events, gave me valuable insight into our country's vulnerabilities. Because I served as a city councilman, I better understood how our cities work and could better develop counterterrorism plans. This role allowed me to bridge between the military and city staff of the cities I worked in. Given our dangerous times, my experience would make me a better U.S. Senator.
Second, my tenure as a city councilman, an office closest to the people, has prepared me to serve as your next U.S. Senator. I am proud of my record of fighting corruption, and holding the line on expenditures, a testament to my commitment to serving the public's best interests. I will bring these principles to my role as your senator in Washington, D.C., ensuring that your tax dollars are spent wisely and transparently.

Walter A. "Tony" Grady Jr.

Occupation: Retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force, retired FedEx pilot, small business owner

Age: 68

Contact: Gradyfornevada.com, info@gradyfornevada.com

Record of service:

United States Air Force (Lt Col, Retired) 20 years of service (1977-1997). Experimental Test Pilot experienced with 5,000 hours in 47 aircraft. Commander, 420 Flight Test Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Edwards Air Force Base, California, 1995-1997; Director Long Range Attack Team, Pentagon, 1993-1995; Directed all U.S. Air Force bomber budgetary and strategy issues for the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans & Operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force Operations. Director, Combined Test Team Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (1989-1992)

Directed the $1.5 billion Tanker Transport Trainer System advanced training aircraft test team. 4950th Test Wing Test Pilot.

Flight Commander, FB-111A (1984-1987); Flight Examiner — standards pilot — and Instructor Pilot, 380th Bomb Wing, Plattsburgh AFB, NY; Forward Air Controller, Osan AB, Republic of Korea. (1981-1984); Pilot, 9th Bombardment Squadron - Carswell AFB, Texas; Professional Associations - Member of: The Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Associate Fellow, Class of 2021


United States Air Force Academy, Bachelor of Science in astronautical engineering; University of Southern California, Master of Science Systems Management; Air University, School of Advance Air and Space Studies, Master of Airpower Art and Science



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

One of the most important roles of a Senator is to advise and consent on the president's appointments. The U.S. Senate must protect the people and our national security, while governing according to the consent of the people.

A brief statement about your platform.

I’m running to defend the American Dream. Our country is built on American values but right now, we have leaders in Washington that do not support the ideals that our country was built on. The Democrats’ policies are destroying the American Dream, resulting in the rapid decline of our country.

The ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our founding fathers believed in are part of why the United States has been a city upon a hill for Democracies across the world. Our forefathers believed that with hard work, you could achieve your goals and dreams. They outlined the government's responsibility as making sure that our laws are enforced and there is a level playing field. We’re not seeing that anymore.

I’m running to turn our country around and be a part of the solution. I’m not a politician, I’m just a veteran who sees a problem and wants to try to fix it. My experience will allow me to get stuff done in Washington.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am the only candidate that has experience with and understands the instruments of national power of diplomacy, military, and economic and how they affect the U.S. This gives me insight into how to advise our leaders and to effectively legislate.

I’ve been married to my wife Donna for 40 years and we have raised four children together. We need to elect leaders that want all American children to be successful. I’ve dedicated my life to service — service to my country in the U.S. Air Force and service to the great state of Nevada. Now, I’m ready to step up and serve again.

We need new leadership — someone who will put Nevadans before a party agenda and shake things up. That’s exactly the kind of leadership I will bring to Washington. Serving in the U.S. Air Force, helping to manage the budget while serving on the Air Staff at the Pentagon, and leading the Air Force's B-2 flight test squadron, and serving as the Air Boss — Director of Flight Operations — for the National Championship Reno Air Races has prepared me to represent Nevada in the U.S. Senate.

I want our country to go forward and my children to live in a vibrant America full of opportunities. I want future generations to have better choices than the path that we’re on right now. I’ve seen what happens when you work hard and don’t give up. It’s how I’ve lived my life. My successes in life are because of the American values that my parents raised me with. I want our country to be the best possible place for our future generations. But we need a course correction to make sure that the American Dream is obtainable and that our country’s values are at the forefront of our lives.

E.T. Hamilton “Eddynomics”

Occupation: Manufacturing engineering executive; entrepreneur; Republican social media influencer; Clark County Republican & Nevada GOP Central Committees; Part time Reggaeton Latino Mix Hip Hop D.J.

Contact: GoHamiltonGo@gmail.com, Hamilton4Nevada.com
Google: ElectEddieHamilton
X (Twitter): @VegasHAMILTON or @ElectHAMILTON
Instagram: ethamilton4ussenator2024

Record of service:
ROTC (incomplete) ; U.S. State Department AID


Business Administration – MBA



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
To uphold the constitution; passing annual federal government budget and spending; coming up with ideas to undo Inflation (because prices are just too high for Nevada families to survive); working hard to achieve world peace thru peace-thru-strength doctrine; promoting human rights, democracy and constitutional form of government; protecting the environment.

A brief statement about your platform.
I am an America First candidate, and I am also running as a Battleborn Nevada-First U.S. Senator. I support President Trump’s Border Policy and Immigration Reform. I’m campaigning to undo inflation because prices are just too damn high for Nevadans. My economic plan is called “EddyNOMICS” - I have plans to bring back the $2 a gallon gasoline at the pump. As Senator, I promise to develop our “liquid gold” found in Eastern Nevada counties of Elko, White Pine, Eureka, and NE Nye county. Federal permits will be used to drill & frack oil & gas - we will make our own gasoline, as well as jet fuels for the Nellis AFB & Fallon Naval Air Station (to be process in Nevada & Utah refineries). I will restore Pres. Kennedy’s U.S. tactical nuclear deterrence in Nye County (it was dismantled by President Clinton). I have plans to build 400,000 affordable small IKEA-style 600 sq ft homes & dormitory units (federal grant and meaningful reform of local zoning laws that prohibit smaller homes).

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I am the most qualified candidate because I have extensive education and manufacturing experiences. I have extensive domestic and foreign policy chops. I am the only one campaigning across the state as a BattlebornNevada First U.S. Senate candidate. I have a feasible plan called “EddyNOMICS” design to eliminate “Bidenomics/Bidenflation” and its running dog called “JackyRosenomics/Rosenflation”

I am the only candidate who is critical about continuous supply of Israel with the American made the “unguided & dumb” 2,000 bombs (being dropped by U.S. F-15 fighter jets on heavily populated urban area in Gaza and killing thousands of terrorists, as well as non-combatant Arab civilians, including thousands of children, in Gaza). I am a string of Israel and support the eradication of Hamas. Killing 32,000 civilians will only isolate Israel from her allies. We must have cease fire now in Gaza and Ukraine (the proposed $60 billion for Ukraine should be a Loan and not a cash giveaway).

I am pro-life and pro-2nd Amendment. I was elected statewide as one of the 11 original Trump At-Large RNC national convention delegates in 2016. You may say I am an Original Trump MAGA warrior.

Barry Lindemann

Occupation: Finance

Age: 59

Contact: nvsenateseat@gmail.com, www.nvsenateseat.com

Record of service:Private citizen

Education: Presidents and Key Executives MBA from the Graziadio School of Business Pepperdine University



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

Core duties of a U.S. Senator: to protect the rights of individual states and safeguard minority opinion in a system of government designed to give greater power to the national government. In addition, give advice and consent on treaties, and play a role in the confirmation, or denial, of certain appointments (Judicial court justices, Ambassadors).

A brief statement about your platform.

Government needs to stop punishing people. The expectation of each individual is to go to work and give your best effort without costing your employer money. Government needs to behave similarly. The employer is the American taxpayer, but government holds no accountability to the taxpayer when it manipulates economies, drives up inflation, ignores the border, allows crime waves, operates a bad energy policy, and many more negative situations where the taxpayer is left paying for the mess. Government even expands during a recession. All this needs to stop.

My campaign is about sealing the border while implementing tough immigration laws, harnessing traditional energy as an aid to industrial performance, stopping inflation through growth, equal trade agreements, bifurcating the budget to control spending, and protecting Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, VA benefits and our defense by siloing these payment so the government can’t utilize them for other projects. In addition, we need to reconfigure the Colorado River water agreements.

American gets healthy when we operate within realistic and known economic, cultural, and personal boundaries. This platform solves problems.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
My work ethic is derived from working on a cattle ranch since the third grade. Daily backbreaking works embed in a person the value of toil, and then accomplishment. I understand the job isn't finished until it is done. This is core to my personality and where others give in, I outwork the rest until we achieve the desired result.

Since the ranch I put myself through college, worked retail, worked on commission, worked in construction, ran construction companies, transitioned to construction finance, achieved my MBA, became an asset manager for a portfolio of hospitals and other buildings, construction companies, real estate companies, and a financial broker for third party clients. I have, in a lot of ways, touched or worked in many of the jobs and professions that are exercised in our state. This familiarity with the economy on a personal and professional level allows me to consider the impact policy may have on our great Nevadans. No other candidate is as well prepared or versed for the U.S. Senate position.

Garn Mabey

Occupation: Obstetrician-gynecologist physician

Age: 66

Contact: Mabeyforsenate@gmail.com, Mabeyforsenate.com

Record of service: I served in the Nevada State Assembly for three terms 2002-2008. My second term I served as the assistant minority leader and my third term I served as the minority leader.


Ricks College; Brigham Young University; Jefferson Medical College



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

If elected to the U.S. Senate, I would represent and serve the citizens of Nevada in Washington, D.C.

A brief statement about your platform.

Our federal budget is out of control and needs to be fixed. Our fiscal policies have resulted in inflation which hurts those who have less. We are leaving our children and grandchildren worse off than my generation.

Our open boarder is a serious problem, and a bipartisan solution has to be found.

I oppose our endless wars. If I were a father in Ukraine, would I want my son to fight to retake the land that the Russians now controls? To me the answer is “no.” I feel that a settlement needs to be made between the two countries to stop the endless bloodshed and waste of money. I believe in a strong defense. There is a military industrial complex that supports endless wars and I oppose their efforts.

Our country suffers from increased lawlessness, and it is simply unacceptable. Our country has become too lenient and soft on crime. For our country to succeed, we all need to obey and honor our laws.

Our families need to be supported and strengthened and the decline in the traditional family has resulted in many social problems.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I’m the candidate that is most likely to win in a general election because I can appeal to Republican, Independent and Democrat voters.

I’m a traditional Republican who believes in God, a limited government, a strong defense and the avoidance of wars, and the need to take care of the poor and needy in an appropriate way.

My belief is that our country is blessed and protected by God and will only be strong if our families are strong and we strive to do right. Our policies need to support the family.

Often, the best solution is when there is a compromise and common ground between the parties. I’m willing to do that.

Our budget and immigration fiascos will only be resolved by both parties working together.

We have been too lenient on crime. That needs to be reversed.

I’m 66 years old. In my opinion, my generation has left the next generation worse off than mine. I want to make it right for our children and grandchildren.

My voting record in the Nevada legislature for three terms is proof of my beliefs. It speaks for itself.

I’ve been a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist in Las Vegas for 34 years. As a doctor, I’ve been trained to make the appropriate diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment.

It’s been a privilege to be a doctor. I take care of everyone regardless of their status. I hear their worries and concerns and their confessions. I hold them is confidence. As a U.S. Senator, I will do the same and work for every Nevadan.

Jim Marchant

Occupation: Self-employed businessman

Age: 67

Contact: jim@jimmatchant.com, https://jimmarchant.com/

Record of service: Served in the Nevada Assembly in the 2017 Legislative Session include incumbency - 1 Session 2 years

Education: College



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

Represent the citizens of Nevadans in the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C.

A brief statement about your platform.


The U.S. must take back operational control of the southern border

Enforce and strengthen current immigration laws

Return to Trump-era policies, complete the wall, and reinstate “Remain in Mexico”

Combat the drug and human trafficking cartels

Declare the cartels as terrorist organizations

Hold DHS accountable

Prevent California gangs from infiltrating NV

Election integrity:

Turnout the GOP vote in 2024, w/Independents

Promote election integrity via:
Voter ID

Eliminate mail-in ballots; keep traditional absentee ballots

Unfettered poll watch reforms

Aggressive voter roll clean-up


Bring back manufacturing to America

Strongly oppose CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency)

Banking: Protecting community banks from big bank takeover and nationalization of the banking sector

Oppose ESG (Environmental, social, covernance - Social credit scoring)

Repeal inheritance/capital gains tax

Small business deregulation/protect self-employment from Biden effort to end


Stop CRT from being taught in our schools

Support school choice

Stop funding for universities that do not support free speech

Eliminate the Federal Department of Education


Energy independence: Oil, natural gas

Research and develop innovative energy resources

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am the only candidate that has won an election. I am the only candidate who has any experience of serving in a legislature, the Nevada Assembly. I have a very conservative voting record while I was a legislator here in Nevada. I was ranked No. 1 most conservative legislator while serving in the Assembly.
I have been endorsed by Senator Tommy Turberville from Alabama, probably the most pro-Trump, America First Senator in the Senate. And by Congressman Paul Gosar from Arizona, one of the leading members of the House Freedom Caucus.

I am NOT endorsed by anyone in the uni-party like one of my opponents, Sam Brown. He is endorsed by uni-party members Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Steve Daines, and many other RINOs.

I am the only candidate who has won multiple Republican Primary elections and run in a statewide general election, which indicates I have very high name recognition and has proven I have the Grass-Roots support. I have not lost a primary election yet and I have won all three of them by more than 10% while being outspent 10 to 1 by my opponents.

Stephanie Phillips

Occupation: Real estate broker-owner

Age: 51

Contact: phillips@phillips4nevada.com, https://phillips4nevada.com/

Education: Attended SBCC and obtained a degree in business management. Obtained Real Estate License in 1998 and Broker’s License in 2003 and also a NV Property Manager’s Permit.



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

As a U.S. Senator, I will propose legislation, draft/amend bills, remain vigilant on federal budget oversight and will have a firm hand on checks and balances for the executive branch. It is my duty to represent the state of Nevada and to protect the rights of its citizens.

A brief statement about your platform.

The policies of my platform include saving our children from human trafficking and liberal ideologies that are destroying our youth. The education system is being used to indoctrinate children with hyper-sexualized curriculum, encouraging gender-affirming therapy and teaching there are more than two genders. CRT is being used to teach hate and intolerance. Our children need to be taught to love America and one another. I am focused on the fight against human trafficking, especially since Nevada is in the top 3 states in the nation for this egregious crime.

Helping veterans after they serve this country is very important to me. Too many are suffering, and the system is difficult, at best, to provide relief and support. There are so many veterans on the streets; homeless and hungry. We need to take better care of those who served our nation.

At the top of my list includes the security of our country. The border needs to be secured and those who are here illegally need to be removed. There is a legal way to enter our country and we need zero tolerance for open borders. I will fight what is going on now to ensure the safety of our citizens.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?

I am the best candidate for the U.S. Senate position for many reasons. First and foremost, I am not in anybody’s pocket, and I am not bought and paid for. Second, I am a resident of NV and have been for more than 30 years. I own and run a business here, my children were born and raised here, and I am a registered voter in Nevada. I take pride in my state and have genuine concern for the residents here.

From a business perspective, I am highly qualified because I’ve spent my entire career working with people. Being a real estate broker running a brokerage requires me to negotiate, advocate, listen to, fight for and mediate for my clients and business deals on a regular basis. This is exactly what I would be doing for my constituents, as an elected official. I have passion and drive. I will not stand by idly and will not allow those with ulterior motives and agendas to sway me from my path. I can’t be bought and will not stand in the corner quiet. I am a warrior!

As your U.S. Senator, I will uphold the constitution and will work to ensure anyone put into positions of authority will do the same. I will bring accountability to DC and not spend money recklessly. I will fight to secure the border and will always support our veteran and law enforcement communities. I will never agree to lock down the state or enforce any mask/vaccine mandates. I will work to bring corruption to the forefront and hold corrupt officials accountable for their crimes. I will not support increased taxes and will fight against the two-tiered judicial system. Finally, I will always put America first and the best interest of Americans above any other countries.

Vincent G. Rego

Occupation: Delivery driver
Age: 33
Contact: VincentGRego@proton.me, VincentRego.com

Education: Valley High School, Las Vegas, NV



Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

Representing Nevadans, Writing and Passing legislations benefiting Nevadans.

A brief statement about your platform.

My goal is to improve the lives of all Nevadans and protecting their rights, as well as protecting Nevada from becoming Nuclear wasteland starting with Yucca Mountain.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
Comparing myself with other candidates for same office, I'm not a puppet. I actually care for Nevadans. I came this far on my own and will continue to do so with Nevadans best interests. Anyone says they have qualifications to do this job without actually being a Senator in the past, is lying. It's a honorable position for person with honor. And I believe I am that person.


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