The Town of Gardnerville is proposing to increase trash collection rates at its December meeting. The rates would take effect July 1, 2025.
On Tuesday, Gardnerville Town Board members approved 4-0 the first reading of a proposal to raise trash rates $8.51 a month for residents and $10.42 per use for commercial customers.
Town Manager Erik Nilssen said the town board will hear the item again at their Dec. 3 meeting for a final meeting.
New trash rates will take effect July 1, 2025, should they be approved and reflect a 35 percent increase.
Gardnerville resident Julie Duda questioned the increase, pointing out that Election Day might have reduced residents turnout.
She was the sole commenter. The town will conduct a second hearing on the topic at its Dec. 3 meeting.
As part of the rate increase, Nilssen had to prepare a business impact statement.
In his report to the board, he said the town’s commercial users were sent a letter. He also pointed out that the town’s newsletter and newspaper ads were also placed alerting residents and businesses that the rate increase was possible.
He said that as of the Oct. 14 deadline, he’d received no objections to the increase in fees.
According to Nilssen, the town’s trash fund is running $70,000 over revenue for 2023-24 and without the increase that would be worse next year.
A key issue is the cost of new garbage trucks, which have increased in price by 66 percent over the last four years to $500,000.
“The increase will allow the town to begin to replace its aging fleet of solid waste vehicles and stabilize the projected annual deficit of the fund.”
The towns of Gardnerville and Minden operate their own trash services under county ordinance. Douglas Disposal carries trash for the rest of the East Fork Township.
Both Gardnerville and Minden use the Carson City Landfill, which is raising rates for users from outside the capital.
Trash and water service in the towns are covered in enterprise funds, which are separate from the town’s governmental budget.
Minden’s trash rates increased 25 percent in July.