Flowers bloom along the Jobs Peak Trail on a summer afternoon as the trail's namesake rises above it.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Thanks for awesome trail work
Thanks to the awesome trail builders of the Carson Valley Trail Association, Jeremy, Jared and the whole team, hikers will be amazed with the changes to the Jobs Peak Ranch Trail. This trail now cuts sharply to the West with many large boulders along the way. Great valley views add to the enjoyment of this hike. Trail metamorphosis is the result of many years of negotiation and persistence along with the assistance and cooperation of property owners. Hikers benefit from this collaborative effort. The CVTA trail builders have also been hard at work creating many new trails at Fay Luther. Autumn and Winter offer hikers an especially wonderful time to enjoy the local beauty of nature in our backyard. Congratulations and grateful appreciation to all of the CVTA trail builders and adjacent property owners.
Julie Duda
Heybourne Meadows
Thank you Trustees Gilkerson and Kangas
Linda & Carey have performed their sworn duty as Douglas County School Board Trustees for eight years and have done an exemplary job of performing their fiduciary duties. I want to pass on my sincere thanks to trustees Gilkerson and Kangas for their loyalty, dependability, expertise and dedication to our students, teachers, staff and community members. The work they have put into review, validate and approve A/P vouchers and proper billing practices has saved our district considerable losses. Their knowledge of NRS and DCSD bylaws has served to protect our district from significant legal exposure. Their responsibilities have been to develop and manage the school budget; to set school policies; and to hire and evaluate the superintendent … they have battled to perform their duties under tremendous adversity. I have witnessed the brazen disrespect and harassment both Linda and Carey have experienced, over the last two years, yet they staunchly fought to protect our school district from incompetence. They doggedly fought for fiscal responsibility and brought forward the concerns of our community. Linda and Carey will be acutely missed and the knowledge, expertise and commitment to excellence should be celebrated. Thank you for your dedication to our community… you will be sorely missed and deeply respected … always.
Melinda Matus
Celebrating 4-H
On Nov. 14, Douglas County 4-H celebrated more than 200 youth and volunteer leaders on a year of accomplishments. This night was graciously hosted at the Douglas County Community Center and awards were donated by Kiwanis Club of Carson Valley. We would like to send out a huge thank you to the Kiwanians for being there to help celebrate and to Douglas County Parks and Recreation for their constant support of 4-H.
And if you would like to learn more about becoming a 4-H volunteer or if you have youth interested in joining 4-H, please email
Tara Ansotegui