Muller Parkway prompts movement of investment funds

The alignment of Muller Lane Parkway looking south from Buckeye Road.

The alignment of Muller Lane Parkway looking south from Buckeye Road.

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Around $26 million in Douglas County’s investment accounts was moved in July to ensure the county could secure financing for construction of Muller Lane Parkway, according to Clerk-Treasurer Amy Burgans, who manages the accounts.

“We had an investment come to maturity and at that time, instead of reinvesting it, we transferred it into Local Government Investment Pool, into a separate line item for Muller Parkway,” she said.

Burgans said the money is still drawing interest and is still in the county’s accounts.

The pool is part of a statewide investment account where local governments combine their money to increase the size of their collective investment and receive larger returns.

“Douglas has less money in that account than other counties due to our size of investments being large and not needing to utilize the pool to be able to invest large amounts,” Burgans said.

On a different financial front, the county’s finance department received its third Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the third consecutive year.

“Receiving this award for the third year in a row is a testament to the dedication and professionalism of our entire Finance Department,” said Douglas County Chief Financial Officer Kathy Lewis,. “We are extremely proud of our team’s continued commitment to delivering accurate, transparent, and comprehensive financial reporting. This recognition reflects our ongoing efforts to ensure financial integrity and accountability across the county.”

This was Lewis’ first year as the county financial officer.

The award is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada and recognizes the county’s annual comprehensive financial report for the last fiscal year.

“This honor is one of the highest forms of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting and highlights Douglas County’s ongoing commitment to transparency and financial accountability,” officials said. “The report was evaluated by an impartial panel of experts and judged to meet the rigorous standards of the GFOA program, including the demonstration of a constructive ‘spirit of full disclosure’ to clearly communicate the county’s financial story and engage potential users and stakeholders.”

County Manager Jenifer Davidson said financial accountability and transparence are top priorities for Douglas.

 “The diligence of the Finance Department has significantly enhanced our financial reporting processes, and this award underscores their hard work and dedication,” she said.


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