Warrant issued for gym locker thief

Jessica Danielle De Smet

Jessica Danielle De Smet

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A no-bail nationwide warrant was issued for a California woman who admitted she cut the locks off gym lockers and stole people’s wallets.

Jessica Danielle De Smet, 37, is in custody in San Mateo County, Calif., on charges of burglary, identity theft, attempted fraudulent use of a credit card and a felony parole violation.

She entered guilty pleas on Dec. 3, 2024, in Douglas County District Court to burglary of a business and fraudulent use of a credit card.

De Smet was due to appear for sentencing on those charges last week, however she was booked in San Mateo on Jan. 20, according to a Nevada Parole and Probation officer. Jail records indicate she is supposed to go to court on Feb. 24.

According to court documents, De Smet raided lockers on five occasions between June 18 and Sept. 23, 2023, at the Vim & Vigor gym in Carson Valley Plaza.

She tried to use credit cards from those thefts at Target, Chevron and WalMart. She posted a $20,000 bond on Feb. 14, 2024, and a week later was in custody in Sparks on a charge of credit card theft.

De Smet’s plea agreement included a recommendation for simultaneous suspended 12-30-month sentences. However, it’s possible that the California charges could result in nullifying the agreement.

The charges carry up to nine years in prison and a $10,000 fine.