Muller Lane Parkway goes back to water conveyance board

The alignment of Muller Lane Parkway looking south from Buckeye Road.

The alignment of Muller Lane Parkway looking south from Buckeye Road.

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County officials are taking another crack at getting Muller Lane Parkway approved through the Water Conveyance Committee on Monday.

The committee is 1-1 on the project.

The Water Conveyance Committee meets 4 p.m. on the third floor of the Minden Inn.

In December 2023, committee members voted in favor of the project, after then applicant David Park pointed out that the only waterways affected were on his property.

Ten months later, when Park and the county were at odds over the proposed thoroughfare, they tabled consideration of the project on Oct. 29, 2024, pending the results of a preliminary injunction sought by Park against construction of the road.

The injunction was denied in a ruling issued by District Judge Tod Young in early December. In response, Park filed complaints with the Federal Emergency Management Agency over the county’s flood plain administration.

The final right-of-way for construction of Muller Lane Parkway was granted to the county by Park Ranch Holdings after a 2,218-unit project and an agreement to move receiving area from Topaz Ranch Estates to Minden was approved in 2020. The first phase of the project was approved March 7, 2024, for 304 single family homes and 20 multi-family units.

The entire project is on the market for $110.9 million. The county has until Dec. 31 to complete the road.