395 paving between Minden and Carson a few years out

It will be at least two years before road work on Highway 395 between Minden and Carson City, according to the state.

It will be at least two years before road work on Highway 395 between Minden and Carson City, according to the state.

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It will be a couple of years before the next big paving project on Highway 395 between Minden and the Carson City line.

The Nevada Department of Transportation is preparing to resurface the highway from Ironwood Drive all the way north depending on funding.

“Currently, project engineering design and environmental certifications are being finalized for the future improvements,” Transportation Spokeswoman Meg Ragonese said. “The planned project will resurface the highway for a smoother drive and preserved roadway surface. The repaving project is part of NDOT’s long-standing pavement preservation to preserve state roadways before more expensive and impactful repairs are needed.”

In addition to resurfacing, the state plans to build a southbound merge lane from Genoa Lane onto the highway and resurface a mile of Airport Road.

An estimated 26,000 vehicles a day use the highway, according to Ragonese.

Work on a future phase of Highway 395 improvements including some resurfacing and sidewalk ramp improvements are also planned between First Street and Ironwood are also in the planning stage.

“These future improvements are being phased based on funding availability and to avoid potential traffic impacts created by simultaneous neighboring highway projects,” Ragonese said.

Both the Town of Minden and the Minden-Gardnerville Sanitation District have utility line replacement projects related to the highway work.