Attention lead-footed drivers: The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is stepping up speed enforcement this March as part of the statewide Joining Forces campaign. If you are rushing around town like you’re in the big city, you may find yourself the recipient of a costly reminder.
"Speeding might save you a few seconds, but it isn’t worth the potential cost," said Sheriff Dan Coverley. "Speeding is our top complaint from citizens, and it’s also a leading contributor to injury crashes. Slow down, drive smart, and help keep our roads safe."
Throughout the month, deputies will be conducting targeted speed enforcement on roadways known for high speeds and crashes. The goal isn't to ruin anyone's day; it's to prevent the kinds of tragedies that can't be undone.
Whether you're late for work, rushing to get to the gym, or just feeling competitive, remember: DCSO is watching, and so are the consequences. Let's make March about safe driving, not speeding tickets.
For more information on the Joining Forces campaign and other safety initiatives, visit