Douglas County legal - 50986

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Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is the duly appointed and qualified Trustee of the Harding Living Trust, Dated August 13, 2009. Mary Jane Harding, Grantor of that trust, died on February 17, 2025. James M. Fitzgerald is Trustee pursuant to the terms of the Trust. Any creditor having a claim against the trust estate of Mary Jane Harding must file his, hers or its claim with the undersigned at the address given below within 90 days after the first publication of this notice. 

DATED this 13th day of March, 2025 


James M. Fitzgerald, Trustee 

c/o Justin M. Clouser, Esq. 

1687 US Hwy 395 N, Suite 4 

Minden, Nevada 89423 

(775) 782-2888 

Pub Date: March 19, 26, April 2, 2025 

Ad # 50986