NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in pursuance to an order of the Board of County Commissioners of
Douglas County, Nevada, made on January 6, 2025, the undersigned, Treasurer of Douglas County, Nevada
will sell the property described below at an online auction held at to the highest
bidder for cash, legal money of the United States of America, with bidding starting on Monday, April
21, 2025 starting at the hour of 10:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time (PST) and ending on Wednesday,
April 23, 2025 at the hour of 10:00 A.M. PST, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 361.595, all of
the right, title and interest of Douglas County, Nevada in and to all of that certain lot, piece or parcel of land
lying and being in the County of Douglas, State of Nevada, and particularly described as follows to Wit:
1022-09-002-025- 2.76 Acres of land, 1366 Topaz Ranch Dr., TOPAZ RANCH GID, NV
Legal Description: Lot 10, in Block N, as shown on the Map of TOPAZ RANCH ESTATES Unit No. 4,
filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of Nevada, on November
16, 1970, in Book 1 of Maps, Page 224, and in Book 81, Page 214, both as Document No. 50212.
Amount Owing: $2,151.72 (as of 2/5/2025)
1022-09-002-034 – 2.8 Acres of land, 3650 Slate Rd, TOPAZ RANCH GID, NV
Legal Description: Lot 31, in Block O, as shown on the map of TOPAZ RANCH ESTATES Unit No. 4,
filed for record, in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of Nevada, on November
16, 1970, in Book 1 of Maps, page 224, as Document No. 50212.
Amount Owing: $1,425.19 (as of 2/5/2025)
1022-15-001-018 – 2.35 Acres of land, 3930 Walker View Rd., TOPAZ RANCH GID, NV.
Legal Description: Lot 14, in Block B, as shown on the map of TOPAZ RANCH ESTATES UNIT NO.
4, filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of Nevada, on November
16, 1970, in Book 1 of Maps, Page 224, as Document No. 50212.
Amount Owing: $1,433.45 (as of 2/5/2025)
1022-15-001-053 – 1.739 Acres of land, 3810 Pebble Rd., TOPAZ RANCH GID, NV.
Legal Description: Lot 9, in Block F, as shown on the map of TOPAZ RANCH ESTATES UNIT NO. 4,
filed in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, Nevada, on November 16, 1970, in Book
1 of Maps, Page 224, as Document No. 50212.
Amount Owing: $5,100.91 (as of 1/10/2025)
1022-16-001-043 – 2.02 Acres of land, 1473 Sandstone Dr., TOPAZ RANCH GID, NV.
Legal Description: Lot 4, Block L, as shown on the map of TOPAZ RANCH ESTATES UNIT NO. 4,
filed in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, Nevada on November 6, 1970 in Map
Book 1. Document No. 50212.
Amount Owing: $3,278.85 (as of 2/5/2025)
1121-00-001-007 - 9.72 Acres of vacant land, no address, GEN CO/CWS/MOSQ, NV
Legal Description: SW1/4, Lot 3, Section 2, T. 11 N., R. 21 E., Mount Diablo Meridian, Nevada as per
plat of survey.
A road and general use easement exists along the south boundary of Lots 1, 2, 3, Section 2, T. 11 N.,
R. 21 E., for the benefit of the owners thereof.
Amount Owing: $983.49 (as of 2/5/2025)
1220-04-101-034- 0.62 Acres of land, 1382 N Hwy 395, TOWN OF GARDNERVILLE, NV
Legal Description: A parcel of land lying within a portion of Section 4, Township 12 North, Range 20
East, Mount Diablo Meridian, more particularly described as follows:
COMMENCING at the southwest corner of Adjusted A.P.N. 1220-04-101-014 as shown on the Record
of Survey to Support a Boundary Line Adjustment for George A. and Ingrid S. Rooker and Jennie C.
Plummer Trust, filed for Record September 3, 2003, in the office of Recorder, Douglas County, Nevada
as Document No. 588628;
Thence along the westerly line of said Adjusted A.P.N. 1220-04-101-014, North 09°02’48” West, 141.28
feet to the southwesterly corner of Adjusted A.P.N. 1220-04-101-012 of said Record of Survey to Support
a Boundary Line Adjustment for George A. and Ingrid S. Rooker and Jennie C. Plummer Trust, the
Point of Beginning;
Thence North 08°24’05” West, 261.06 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 395;
Thence along said southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 395, along the arc of a curve to the right,
non-tangent to the preceding course, having a radius of 610.50 feet, central angle of 10°32’08”, arc
length of 112.26 feet and radial bearing of North 02°31’42” East;
Thence leaving said southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 395, along the easterly line of Adjusted
A.P.N. 1220-04-101-012 of said Record of Survey to Support a Boundary Line Adjustment for George
A. and Ingrid S. Rooker and Jennice C. Plummer Trust, South 09°02’48” East, 230.36 feet to the southeasterly
corner of said Adjusted A.P.N. 1220-04-101-012;
Thence along the southerly line of said Adjusted A.P.N. 1220-04-101-012, South 81°53’19” West,
110.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 26,941 square feet, more or less.
The Basis of Bearing of this description is South 09°02’48” East, the east line of Adjusted Parcel 2 as
shown on the Record of Survey of 1382 U.S. Highway 395 for JCM Investments filed for record February
28, 2019 in the office of Recorder, Douglas County, Nevada as Document No. 2019-926191.
Per NRS 111.312- The Legal Description above appeared previously in that Grant, Bargain, Sale Deed
recorded on March 11, 2021, as Document No. 2021-963326 in Douglas County Records, Douglas
County, Nevada.
Amount Owing: $6,010.23 (as of 2/5/2025)
1220-04-111-007- 0.08 Acres of land, 1212 Kingslane, TOWN OF GARDNERVILLE, NV
Legal Description: Lot 6, as shown on the Map of KINGSLANE UNIT NO. 1, according to the map
thereof, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of Nevada, on December
26, 1968, in Book 64, Page 82, as File No. 43243, Official Records.
Amount Owing: $938.53 (as of 2/5/2025)
1220-04-515-029- 0.15 Acres of land, 1353 Toiyabe Av., TOWN OF GARDNERVILLE, NV
Legal Description: Lot 28, as shown on that certain map entitled “FINAL MAP OF CARSON VALLEY
ESTATES UNIT NO.3,” filed in the office of the Recorder of Douglas County, Nevada on September 15,
1971, as Document No. 54454, in Book 91, Page 235 of Official Records and Book 2 of Maps, Page 257.
Amount Owning: $1,588.35 (as of 2/5/2025)
1220-15-310-010- 0.82 Acres of land, 880 Mitch Dr., GARDNERVILLE RANCHOS, NV
Legal Description: Lot 10, in Block J, as said lot and block are shown in the map of GARDNERVILLE
RANCHOS UNIT NO. 4, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of Nevada,
on April 10, 1967, in Map Book 1, Page 055, Filing No. 35914.
Amount Owning: $6,013.70 (as of 2/5/2025)
1220-15-310-011 - 0.51 Acres of land, 878 Mitch Dr., GARDNERVILLE RANCHOS, NV
Legal Description: Lot 9, in Block J, as said lot and block are shown in the map of GARDNERVILLE
RANCHOS UNIT NO. 4, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of Nevada,
on April 10,1967, in Book 1, Page 055, Filing No. 35914.
Amount Owning: $6,078.19 (as of 2/5/2025)
1220-17-710-001 – 2.0 Acres of land, 1110 Amarillo Dr., GEN CO/CWS/MOSQ, NV
Legal Description: Lot 6, in Block B, as shown on the Official Map of CHAMBERS FIELD SUBDIVISION,
filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, Nevada, on January 9,
1979, in Book 179, Page 435, as Document No. 28862.
Amount Owning: $11,058.03 (as of 1/10/2025)
1321-32-002-037- 0.500 Acres of vacant land, 1418 Hunters Point Dr., GEN CO/ CWS/MOSQ, NV
Legal Description: Lot 4, as shown on the Final Subdivision Map LDA 17-027 Hunters Point Recorded
October 23, 2019 in Book N/A as Instrument No. 2019-937065 of Official Records, in the Office of the
County Recorder of Douglas County, Nevada.
Amount Owning: $5,338.72 (as of 2/5/2025)
1418-27-810-045 - 0.340 Acres of land, 1331 Winding Wy., CAVE ROCK EST GID, NV
Legal Description: Lot 31 as shown on the map entitled CAVE ROCK ESTATES UNIT NO. 1, filed for
record January 3, 1962, in the office of the County Recorder, Douglas County, Nevada, as Document
No. 19323.
Amount Owning: $5,997.50 (as of 2/5/2025)
1420-08-218-009 - 0.120 Acres of land, 1083 Tee Dr., INDIAN HILLS GID/EFD, NV
Legal Description: Lot 739, as set forth on that certain final map Number LDA #99-054-7 Sunridge
Heights III, Unit 7, a Planned Unit Development, recorded in the Office of the Douglas County recorder
on June 6, 2005, in Book 0605, as Page 1632 as Document No. 646054, official records.
Amount Owning: $14,050.58 (as of 2/5/2025)
1420-30-001-008 – 19.050 Acres of land, 2960 Oasis Springs Rd., GEN CO/CWS/MOSQ, NV
Legal Description:
Parcel 1:
Adjusted Parcel 2 as shown on the Record of Survey to support a boundary line adjustment for Doug
Hugh Lippincott, Michael Hakansson and Margaret Hakansson filed in the office of the County Recorder
of Douglas County, State of Nevada on June 29, 2007 in Book 607, Page 10219 as File No. 704215,
Official Records, being more particularly described as follows:
A parcel of land located within portions of the West one-half of Section 30, Township 14 North, Range
20 East, Mount Diablo Meridian, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the common corner for sections 24 and 25, township 14 north, range 19 east and
sections 19 and 30, township 14 North, Range 20 East., M.D.M.;
Thence along the common line between said sections 25 and 30, south 00°44’27” west, 420.65 feet to
the northwest corner of said parcel 1 as shown on the final parcel map LDA 02-085 for Doug H. Lippincott
recorded March 7, 2006 in the office of recorder, Douglas County, Nevada as Document No. 669335;
Thence along said north line of Parcel 1, south 89°16’00” east, 713.14 feet to the point of beginning;
Thence along the north lines of parcels 1 and 2 as shown on said final parcel map, south 89°15’53”
east, 1107.84 feet;
Thence south 36°29’24” west, 1650.11 feet;
Thence north 48°24’10” west, 119.87 feet;
Thence north 72°43’20” west, 55.30 feet;
Thence north 00°44’09” east, 1244.94 feet, to the point of beginning.
Note: the above metes and bounds legal description appeared previously in the deed recorded June
09, 2016 as Instrument No. 2016- 882066 of official records, Douglas County, Nevada.
Parcel 2:
A Thirty-foot wide (30’) strip of land for private access purposes, located within a portion of the west
one-half of section 30, township 14 north, range 20 east, mount diablo meridian, lying fifteen-feet (15’)
on both sides of a line more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the common corner for sections 24 and 25, township 14 north, range 19 east and
sections 19 and 30, township 14 north, range 20 east, M.D.M.;
Thence along the common line between said sections 25 and 30, south 00°44’27” west, 420.65 feet to
the northwest corner of parcel 1 as shown on the final parcel map LDA 02-085 for Doug H. Lippincott
recorded March 7, 2006 in the office of recorder, Douglas County, Nevada as Document No. 669335;
Thence along the north line of said parcel 1, south 89°16’00” east, 713.14 feet;
Thence continuing along the north lines of said parcel 1 and parcel 2 of said parcel map south
89°15’53” east, 938.02 feet;
Thence south 31°55’59” west, 1351.46 feet to the point of beginning;
Thence south 52°27’18” east, 242.80 feet;
Thence south 76°57’31” east, 135.12 feet;
Thence south 62°01’33” east, 352.87 feet;
Thence south 68°02’49” east, 740.15 feet to the west right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 395.
Note: the above metes and bounds legal description appeared previously in the deed recorded June
09, 2016 as Instrument No. 2016- 882066 of official records, Douglas County, Nevada.
Amount Owning: $9,910.85 (as of 2/5/2025)
1420-33-213-030 - 0.410 Acres of land, 1272 Downs Dr., GEN CO/CWS/MOSQ, NV
Legal Description: Lot 41 Block D, as shown on the Final Map of WILDHORSE UNIT 1, a Planned
Unit Development, filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Douglas County, State of
Nevada on August 3, 1989, in Book 889, Page 450, as Document No. 207982.
Amount Owning: $2,668.67 (as of 2/5/2025)
No bid less than the amount of delinquent taxes, delinquent assessments, interest, penalties and costs will
be accepted. Property sold at the auction may still be subject to remaining principal and accruing interest
due on assessments. The successful bidder must deposit the bid by way of certified funds or wire
transfer with by 10:00 A.M. (PST), April 23, 2025. Douglas County
does not offer any type of financing on said parcels. All sales are final. Buyer is responsible for the real
property transfer fees and recording fees.
All sales will be made subject to existing right of way and easements of Douglas County, Nevada, and the
State of Nevada and perpetual liens imposed pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes.
Further, information concerning the sale may be obtained from the Treasurer’s office at 775-782-9018 or
at or by consulting the records of the Douglas County Assessor and the
Douglas County Recorder.
Dated at Minden, Nevada
March 19, 2024
Amy Burgans
Douglas County Treasurer
Pub Dates: March 22, 29, April 5, 12, 2025 Ad #’s 50838