

It’s hard saying sayonara to good friends

I’m sad to say our friends, Kurt and Chizuru Hervin, have moved away. They now live in the lush farmland village of Hiroshimaken, Japan.

What is a Christian at the very root?

As a pastor, I’m often asked various questions that deal with acts of living life in this world as a Christian.

Macie Tuell named fifth Miss Nevada from Douglas County

Douglas High School graduate Macie Tuell was named Miss Nevada on Friday at the Orleans Showroom in Las Vegas.

American Roots celebrated in Genoa on Saturday

An American Roots Celebration will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at Mormon Station State Historic Park in Genoa.

Bowling tournament to help out Ranchos resident

Gardnerville Ranchos resident Christine Mills is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She has completed chemotherapy and faces radiation and reconstructive surgery in the coming months.

Time to start those summer chores

Lately, I haven’t been doing much gardening because of the heat, but have managed to get a few things done.

Dangberg events begin with guest speaker and Chautauqua

In July, events begin with a presentation on the “Mountains and Peaks of Carson Valley” and a Chautauqua presentation of Caleb Greenwood at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park.

Wolles celebrate 60th anniversary

Kerstin and Charles Wolle of Gardnerville celebrated their 60th anniversary on Saturday.

Walking with Jesus is walking in love

“And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” -- Ephesians 5:2

Jourets celebrate 55th wedding anniversary

Jerry and Sharon Jouret celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on June 4.

PEO awards $4,000 in scholarships

Douglas High School graduates Isabella Dickey and Bethany Lundberg received $2,000 scholarships from P.E.O. Chapter AN of Carson Valley.

July events begin with guest speaker and Chautauqua at Dangberg Historic Park

In July, events begin with a presentation on the “Mountains and Peaks of Carson Valley” and a Chautauqua presentation of Caleb Greenwood at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park.

Fighting the war of the weeds

Columnist Amy Roby is dealing with a surge of spurge.

Chautauqua 101 at Dangberg Historic Park

Chautauqua 101, a course on presenting living history in first-person, is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 11 at Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park. Pre-registration is required.

From one senior to another

No longer as nimble as I once was, I employ the services of Metia Dryer, a Smith Valley High School senior.