

Dance studios make a splash this summer

All About Dance took its team of 29 students to the Spotlight Dance Cup in Seaside Ore.

Genoans to remember town historian Aug. 31

A celebration of life for former town historian Billie Jean Rightmire is 11 a.m. Aug. 31 at the Genoa Town Hall.

Library book sale Friday and Saturday

The Friends of the Douglas County Library will host a two-day used book sale Friday and Saturday at the Minden Branch of the Douglas County Public Library, 1625 Library Lane.

Dangberg Chautaqua festival continues

Chautauquas of Mary-Louise Mackay and stagecoach robber Jack Davis will be performed, along with Donna Inversin’s presentation on The Historic Virginia and Truckee Trail at Dangberg Historic Park.

Trinity Lutheran welcomes new pastor

After enduring 10 months without a pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church welcomes Jonathan Zoch to the congregation just in time for Endure Worship Night.

So they may fall madly in love with Him

Reflections on the Word

Business branding beyond the logo

Marketer Mary Claire Boucher spoke at a recent Minden Rotary Club meeting

Storm cuts National Night Out short

Despite wind gusts threatening booths on Friday, the National Night Out event at Ironwood Center raised more than $1,000 for the Douglas County Advisory Council.

Wild West Adventure Day Thursday

Dare to Be a Cowboy and Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park are hosting a Wild West Adventure Day 10 a.m. to noon Thursday.

Minden Boys and Girls club wrangles a fundraiser

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Nevada is wrangling a fundraising event for the Wray Family Clubhouse November 1.

John C. Frémont visits Dangberg Home Ranch

Maj. Gen. John C. Frémont, as portrayed by Chautauquan Steve Hale, will officially discover Dangberg Historic Park.

Bible has passed the test of time

Reflections on the Word

Deputy’s drawing to be displayed at National Law Enforcement Museum

A drawing by Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputy Mariah West will be prominently displayed at the National Law Enforcement Museum, located next to the National Peace Officers Memorial in Washington, DC.