

Man receives maximum in coercion case

A man, who was originally scheduled to go to trial next week, will instead go into the custody of the Nevada Department of Corrections for 28-72 months.

Second felony admission in dog caper

A woman accused of pistol whipping someone in an effort to recover Tattles the emotional support pit bull admitted to a count of battery with a deadly weapon on Tuesday.

Carson Sheriff: Repeat drug felon had 6 ounces of meth

A convicted drug felon, who has been twice sent to prison in Douglas County, faces the possibility of habitual criminal charges in connection with a Saturday arrest in Carson City.

Survivor in attempted sexual assault describes ordeal

A Gardnerville man was held to answer on charges of attempted sexual assault and domestic battery with strangulation on Thursday morning.

Warrant issued for gym locker thief

A no-bail nationwide warrant was issued for a California woman who admitted she cut the locks off gym lockers and stole people’s wallets.
