There are 31 active probate cases being managed by Community Services in the wake of Public Administrator Steve Walsh’s resignation.
Four school board trustees found to have withheld records they failed to turn over in a timely manner voted to use Douglas County School District resources to pay for their attorney, prompting an ethics complaint.
A new position to cover public administrator duties was approved by Douglas County commissioners on Thursday.
An ordinance to abolish the elected position of public administrator will be forthcoming after Douglas County commissioners voted 5-0 on Monday.
It was blackjack for Douglas County’s swearing-in ceremony on Thursday afternoon with 21 newly elected officials raising their right hands.
East Fork Justice of the Peace Paul Gilbert will retire this month after a half century serving the residents of Douglas County
Gardnerville bade farewell to town board members Lloyd Higuera and Mary Wenner, after a dozen years.
Presidential electors meet on Dec. 17 to cast electoral votes for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, based on the popular vote in Nevada.
The suspense in certifying Douglas County’s election results didn’t have anything to do with the actual operation but getting it certified on a stormy Friday afternoon.
Most of Douglas County’s newly elected officials didn’t appear on a ballot.
While included in election results, mailed ballots won’t actually indicate they have been counted until after county commissioners canvass the vote on Friday.
With Douglas County’s significant Republican majority, it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Donald Trump would win the county by a 2-1 margin.
The two school board candidates backed by the We Deserve a Better Board committee won their races.
Candidates backed by the We Deserve a Better Board committee were in the lead in election results released on Tuesday night.
There may be as many 4,000 ballots left to count after Tuesday’s election, Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer Amy Burgans estimated this morning.
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