

Santoro: Are things as bad as they seem with this Pack team?

Nevada is not a dumpster fire, but time is fast running out to salvage a once-promising season.

Tiger track opens spring at home

Douglas High School spring sports are underway with results from track and field, swim and dive and more from this past weekend.

Genoa Lakes Ladies’ Golf Club 2025 Season

The first tee-off for the 2025 Genoa Lakes Ladies’ Golf Club (GLLGC) season is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1. Women golfers 18 and over are invited to join this friendly group.

Tiger graduate Tretton crushing it at Iowa

Several other local athletes having solid springs

A look at Carson and Douglas athletes competing at the college level.

Tahoe holding ECHL’s final playoff spot

Knight Monsters at home through March 9

The Tahoe Knight Monsters have six home games over the next nine days as they battle for postseason positioning.

Tahoe Basin state ski results

Douglas and Sierra Lutheran High School ski teams earned all-state and all-league recognition for their work this season.

Northern Nevada’s 4A, 3A winter sports get bigger

The NIAA's realignment committee has approved and recommended changes for the 2025-28 winter sports season to the Board of Control.

Thacker, Greenfield lead Tiger all-region selections

Douglas High School basketball had six members of its girls and boys teams earn all-region honors for their play this season.

Santoro: It’s time for the Pack to stand up to Mountain West’s bullies

Nevada is 16-12 overall, but also a disappointing 0-8 against the conference's top tier.

Hunter safety course in March and May

The Department of Wildlife is conducting hunter safety classes for Douglas County in March and May.

Douglas hoops' big time player

Caden Thacker finishes award-winning career with the Tigers

Douglas High School senior guard Caden Thacker concluded his four-year career with the Tiger basketball team. Now, the three-time first team all-region player has his next goal set.

Tiger wrestling earns six first team all-region honors

Douglas puts 14 total wrestlers on all-region team

Douglas High School had 14 wrestlers earn all-region honors for their work on the mat this winter.

8 MW games complete Wolf Pack’s 2025 schedule

Nevada opens at Penn State; conference returns to 8-game format.

Santoro: With Coleman likely finished, Pack’s road much tougher

Not having its glue guy — and best all-around defender — on the floor is a huge loss for a Nevada team looking to salvage its season.