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Bill Baltz

Stories this photo appears in:

An even greater freedom

Reflections on the Word

God’s Here! Look for the Sign

Reflections on the Word

Lord should mean more than a word

Reflections on the Word

Let's worship all week

We are Christians full time. True? Shouldn't we worship full time? We're not to meant to be Sunday morning or half-day Christians. Psalm 121 helps us focus on worship anytime, anywhere we go.

We are God’s hands and feet

Sisters and brothers, got a favorite tool in the garage or kitchen?

How long, O lord, how long …?

Ever ask How long, Oh Lord? How often? I do.

Father, forgive them …

On the cross Jesus prayed for us … and the guy or gal next to you. That’s right. Everybody else in and around your life. The “them” includes tyrants, murderers, heads of countries like Hitler and Hussein – leaders and members of the political party you didn’t vote for?

Blessed are those who are forgiven

I have some food I’d like to share with hungry people who are bearing a burden of guilt.


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