Spring is a time for cleaning up

Wow, do ya suppose spring has finally sprung around here? I was driving down Pebble Road the other morning and realized that maybe it should be called Lilac Lane instead. Almost every yard lining the road was loaded with a sea of beautiful lilacs, whites, lavenders and deepest purples. The daffodils and tulips, late in blooming and short lived, have given way to lilacs and the mint shades of green as new leaves emerge on all the plants and trees. What a beautiful sight to see after the winter we had.

Another sure sign that spring has finally decided to pay us a visit is the annual spring clean up for Topaz Ranch Estates. Ole Olson, head of maintenance for the TRE Water Co. and road department, has declared June 3 to be the day when TRE will get its spring spruce-up. Volunteers are needed, so, anyone who wants to help make a difference in this beautiful area we live in, show up at the TRE Community Park Building at the end of Carter Way by 7 a.m. and help "pitch in." Supplies - gloves, trash "pickum-uppers" (those sticks with the pincher claws so you don't have to bend over), bags, water, etc. - will be provided for those that don't have them. Every spare hand is welcome to come on down, meet your neighbors and help for the day. Free dumpsters will be in place for those who want to clean up their own yards too. Please, no batteries, refrigerators, oil, chemicals, paints, tires or things of that nature, but yard clippings, unwanted furniture and other disposable garbage will be accepted on this free one-day clean-up from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The clean-up areas will be throughout TRE, the base of Minnihaha Canyon (a favorite illegal dumping ground) and the old Highway 3 behind the RV and mobilehome park at Holbrook (another illegal dumping ground for people who don't seem to realize there are two public dumps in the area. One is located on Day Lane in Wellington and the other is the Douglas County Dump on Pine Nut Road on the south end of Gardnerville).

Roy Funez, owner of the Roadhouse at Holbrook Junction, was instrumental in getting the Holbrook clean-up organized. It will be a fun day and a time to show some community pride. Hey folks ... It's spring, time for cleaning, giving our community a face lift and a fresh start.

n Last weekend was rummage sale heaven along Carter Way and throughout all of TRE. The Sagehens had their annual rummage sale fundraiser which was the 30th year for the event. The money they raised over the weekend will go to help the community and provide scholarship money for Douglas High School students. Awesome raffle prizes were available and great food for the hungry shoppers. Everything that wasn't sold over the weekend was boxed up, categorized and taken to the Family Support Council to help others in need. Topaz Community Open Bible Church had a rummage sale as well and the funds raised from their event will go to their building fund. Other yard sales were happening all over TRE last weekend. It was a bargain hunter's paradise.

n With the onset of summer right around the corner and warm weather weekends, it is time to take the boats and other water sports gear out of mothballs and hit the lake. Don't forget to run a safety check on equipment that has been sitting all winter. Make a check list of all safety equipment needed in an emergency. Make sure your boat is equipped with sufficient lifesaving devices such as vests or other floatation equipment, check your ropes for mooring, anchors, fire extinguishers, and remember, above all else, go out and have fun but don't "drink and drive."

Memorial Day weekend is just around the corner. The Douglas County and Mono County Sheriff's boat patrols will be out cruising Topaz Lake. Remember they are there to help you and make sure you have a safe boating experience.

n On a final note, due to conflicting events the weekend of June 3-4, the Topaz Lodge Chili Cookoff Open and Craft Fair has been postponed to a later date, to be announced. And as a reminder, the TRE Volunteer Fire Department will be having their annual fundraising barbecue from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. June 3. The new location for the event will be the TRE Community Park Building at the end of Carter Way as the renovations to the station have not been completed. New York steak with all the fixin's will cost $12 for adults and $6 for children. There will be kids' games in the park, a raffle and dancing to the live music of the Motiff's from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mark you calendars and be sure not to miss this fun event.

Until next week, "Keep on keepin' on."

n Jonni Hill can be reached through The Record-Courier at jhill@recordcourier.com or by calling 782-5121, ext. 213, or after hours at JHILL47@aol.com


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