Cheerleaders head for nationals

Cheerleading is a serious sport for a group of young women ages 5-18 that are members of the Silver Spirit All-Stars Cheer and Dance Club.

The group proved they can pyramid with the best of them at a regional JAMZ Cheer & Dance competition on Oct. 15 at Marine World in Vallejo, Calif. They are now headed to the national championships in Las Vegas March 22-26.

"They all got 86 or higher on scores," said Liz Biasotti, who co-owns Silver Spirit in the Meridian Business Park, along with Paige Young. "They needed a 70 or higher (to go to nationals). They are positive and so proud of themselves."

The positivity is not limited to just their team, according to Biasotti, who said other cheerleading teams and their own cheer each other on during the competitions.

More than 50 area girls belong to the cheer and dance club off Airport Road. Routines they practice year-round consist of cheer, dance, tumbling and stunts.

"It's awesome and fun," said Lauren Cox.

"It's more like a sport," said Caitlin Jones.

"You get to learn back hand springs, scorpions, and arabesques," Kelsey LaMunyon added.

Silver Spirit All-Stars has three squads: Minis, ages 5-7 years; Youth, ages 8-12; and Seniors 13-18 years old. Boys are encouraged to join, although there are none currently enrolled. There are no try-outs to be able to join.

The squads are all full right now, and will accept new members during registration in March 2007. But, new members are being accepted for a mid-season, exhibition-only squad, which will learn a competition routine including stunting and will go to two or three competitions.

The scores received at Marine World in Vallejo were: Minis, 86.3, first place; Youth, 89.0, second place; and Seniors, 86.8, first place.

Natalie Smith said she liked "the dancing" best at the competition.

"(I liked) being on stage," said Kari Coziahr.

"That we won first place," said Cameron Cox.

"The team spirit," said Baylee Inman.

At the nationals in March they will be competing against squads from all along the west coast. The three squads will be going to seven more competitions, including Las Vegas.

Silver Spirit opened in March. All-Star cheer squads differ from traditional high school cheer squads and other youth programs in that they are developed strictly for competition purposes.

"Their routines are not created to support teams or rouse a crowd but to impress a judge and capture a title," said Biasotti.

The cheerleading and dance club strives to promote confidence through positive encouragement, she said.

Registration is $55, and includes a T-shirt. Birthday parties are also available. For information, call e-mail or call 782-4337. Silver Spirit All-Stars Cheer and Dance Club is located at 2236-C Park Place in Minden.

-- Jo Rafferty can be reached at or 782-5121, ext. 210.


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