The R-C Morning Report

The haze in the Valley today is coming from a handful of California fires from La Brea near Santa Barbara to Hat Creek northwest of Susanville. We're not getting the worst of it, but when the winds come, they may bring an increase before they clear it out. Or fan the flames and set half of California on fire. It's been quiet in Nevada on the wildfire front, which has allowed us to send some folks to the 21,000-acre LaBrea fire to help out.

It's supposed to be mostly sunny today with a high temperature of 92 degrees. The wind picks up Thursday and another front is expected to bring cooler temperatures for the weekend. We'll see what happens.

Google reminds me that the Perseid meteor shower will be at its height tonight. The moon may be a problem for stargazers. It will be near where the meteors come, and will dim some of them. Today is road trip day. I'm headed north to Susanville and then to tool around in that part of the country. Have a great Wednesday.


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