Mother's Day food drive


Staff Reports

The Douglas County Democratic Women will be collecting nonperishable food items for the Carson Valley Community Food Closet at their luncheon at the Carson Valley Country Club restaurant on Monday.

The members decided to celebrate Mother's Day by donating to the food closet.

"The food closet supports mothers every day by giving food to families in need " what better gift for Mother's Day than food on the table for your family?" said Vice President Christie Aldinger.

"But we want to do more " we want to give the food closet cash for fresh vegetables, real milk, fresh eggs, cheese and meat for their clients." 

The Douglas County Democratic Women will also donate cash and grocery gift cards to the food closet.

Food donations for the Mother's Day food drive may be dropped off by Monday at Democratic Headquarters, 1513 Highway 395, Gardnerville.

Items can be dropped off 1-4 p.m. weekdays except Thursday at the Carson Valley Community Food Closet, 1255 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville. Information, Director Eileen Boettiger, 782-3711.

Information about the DCDW at or call Katherine Winans, 267-0539.


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