Plaza developer seeks early payment

A request by Carson Valley Plaza developer AIG Baker to receive the last payment from the Douglas County redevelopment fund is back before county commissioners on Thursday.

In their request, AIG Baker sought the county's final payment of $275,000, which isn't due until Jan. 31, 2011.

In recognition of the early payment, the county would save $3,943.97 in interest.

The payments are predicated on the developer maintaining 6,000 square feet of leased commercial space in part of the plaza.

Commissioners continued the request on April 1, telling county staff to come back with a better deal.

On Thursday, staff brought back a deal that includes cutting the county's payment to $261,655.53.

Also on Thursday's agenda:

• Discussion and possible approval of the 2010-11 operating and capital budgets for Douglas County.

• A $16,000 a month contract with ABS Aviation Management Services to assist in recruiting a new airport manager, identify operational, policy and lease improvements and develop a strategic plan.


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