We're here to listen


We were impressed by Traci Weimer's comments in the letter written to the Record-Courier "The Unspoken Word," printed in Feb. 24 paper. More importantly we wholeheartedly agree with her about "talking about suicide" openly to any and everyone possible.

Just give us one minute of your time by listening to your story, our stories and the stories of hundreds of people who suffer as the "left-behind victims of completed suicides."

Interestingly, Douglas County has the highest suicide rate in the state, per capita, but it is the healthiest place to live? Who knew?

So with that said, it only stands to reason that if we would only begin talking about "Suicide - The Unspoken Word" we just may be able to lower our suicide rate and truly become the healthiest community.

We are blessed to now have two individuals diligently working toward the mission of the Suicide Prevention Network of Douglas County, by providing suicide prevention, intervention, education and support service for the Douglas community. Every word is confidential, it is a safe environment and a place where no one is blaming you, judging you or critical of you in any way.

If no one knows you are hurting inside then no one will hear those crying for help.

Those two people will talk about suicide with you one on one, face to face, by telephone, in support groups or any way you want/need to, feel the need , or to have their children, fathers, husbands, mothers talk. Just call Debbie Posnien or Orita Keebaugh at 782-8611.

Debbie Posnien, executive director

Orita Keebaugh, support group facilitator

Suicide Prevention Network of Douglas County


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