Suicide prevention offers new support group

The Suicide Prevention Network of Douglas County is beginning a support group June 1 for anyone who has considered or attempted suicide.

"Recapturing Resilience" will meet 6-7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at the Suicide Prevention Network office, 1702 County Road, Suite A, Minden.

"Have you ever felt lost, alone, different, depressed, needing someone to talk with who could relate to how you're feeling or someone who has experienced similar feelings?" asked facilitator Orita Keebaugh. "Have you ever felt so hopeless that the only thing you could think about was committing suicide?"

Keebaugh said participants in the group "will be welcomed by people who can relate to how you're feeling. You will be able to talk openly with others and share a commonality that will help both of you get to a better place with yourself, your feelings and maybe a better understanding of what is happening."

"Everything is confidential," Keebaugh said. "Come and tell your story and share with other people who need to talk just like you do."

The Suicide Prevention Network also offers a support group 6-7 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month at their office.

For information, contact Keebaugh or Executive Director Debbie Posnien at 783-1510.


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