Women Entrepreneurs meeting Nov. 18

Staff Reports

The monthly lunch meeting of Carson Valley Chapter of Women Entrepreneurs of the World is 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 18 in the Douglas/Sierra room at the Carson Valley Inn in Minden. The group meets monthly for networking, lunch and a guest speaker.

This month's speaker is Marc Hiscox of the "To Believe is to Be" self-improvement system whose topic is "A Most Superb Instrument - Your Mind."

"The mind is one of our most powerful tools," said Hiscox. "It can make us sad or happy by just thinking of a memory. The body responds to the mind as if the incident is actually happening, even though it is just a thought."

Hiscox found a natural healing process while looking for personal clarity.

"At that time, my life completely exploded," he said. "My 25-year old marriage ended, I gave up a very successful business, left two homes, and my friends and family. I headed for Nevada where I owned nothing and knew almost no one. Many times, I doubted myself so much, I felt clinically depressed."

Hiscox explored alternative healing while searching for clarity during one of his darkest times.

"Soon, I let go of sabotaging behavior and started discovering the real me hidden under all the pain and distractions of my life," he said. "That's when I realized my true purpose in this life is helping others discover their true self."

Hiscox gives a demonstration of accessing the unconscious mind, and teaches how the mind creates your reality during a mini "playshop" at the WE meeting on Nov. 18.

Monthly WE meetings are open for all to attend. Cost is $15 for members, $20 for guests. RSVP by Monday at sbarrydc@barrychiropractic.com Include "WE RSVP" in the subject line and your name in the body of the e-mail.

Women Entrepreneurs of the World believes that networking doesn't have to be expensive to be effective. The mission of WE is to help build personal and professional success for its members through focused networking opportunities, local rallies and regional conferences, equitable relationship development, think-tank mastermind groups, a progressive mentor program, and an assistance program for start-up businesses from concept to funding. Information, www.weoftheworld.com


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