Douglas High School announces scholarship winners

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Kaitlynn Abbott

DHS Departmental Award - Art

Mariana Aguilar

Douglas High School Departmental Award - Foreign Language

Allison Andraski

Sierra Nevada Ear,

Nose and Throat

Douglas High School Block D

Michael Barnes

Carson Tahoe Hospital

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Topaz Sagehens

Douglas Republican Women

Pinon Hills PTSO

John Ascuaga's Nugget

Carson Valley Sertoma

Carson Valley Little League

Soroptimist - Youth Citizenship

Douglas County Public Employee's Association

Serena Bartholomew

Jack Knapp (Kiwanis)

Delaney Bauttista

Minden Elementary

Mary Brockhage

Gardnerville Elementary

Mediation and Management

Cody Burkhauser

Knights of Columbus

Nick Ceglia

Nicole Snyder Memorial Scarselli Elementary

Thomas Chapman

Minden Fortnightly

Shannon Chatfield

Alpine County Parents' Club

Shanna Coats

Greater Nevada Credit Union

Amanda Edmonson

University Women/Carson Valley

Gardnerville Elementary

Lions Club (Warren Reed)

Town and Country Homemakers

Elks' Local

Conner Egan

Century 21/Clark Properties

Jessica Eisele

Gardnerville Elementary School

Edith Milo/ Retired Teachers

Nevada State Firefighters'



Douglas County Public

Employee's Association

Megan Emmerson

Douglas High School Block D

Rozalynn Fowler

Xi Alpha

Matt Gilkerson

Alicia Smalley Prevention

Carson Valley Inn - Business/Nutrition

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Scarselli Elementary

Boise State WUE

Caitlin Gallagher

Douglas County Farm Bureau

Jose Gonzales

DHS Departmental Award- Art

Tim Gunsten

Carson Valley Masonic Lodge


Kaelie Hall

Century 21/Clark Properties

Kaylee Hames

David I. Wendel

Douglas County Democratic Women

Margaret Hannah

Alicia Smalley Prevention

Nicole Snyder Memorial Sorenson's Resort

Scarselli Elementary

Ron Gould (Kiwanis)

Soroptimist- Violet Richardson

George (Max) Helling,

Carson Valley Inn -


Marty Cronin Memorial

Gonzaga University

Breanna Henry-Miller

Topaz Sagehens

Connie Wennhold Memorial

Allison Hines

Greater Nevada Credit Union

Elaina Humphrey

John Crow

Daniel Hyden

Sam Walton Community


Elks Most Valuable Student

Sierra Nevada Association of Realtors

UNR Silver and Blue

Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School

C.C. Meneley/Eli Weigel

DHS Departmental Award- Social Studies

Yelena Ibadoul

Michelle Drew (Kiwanis)

Kristy Jilk

Knights of Columbus

Ben Johnson

Douglas High School Block D

Samantha Johnson

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Boise State GEM

Scarselli Elementary

Douglas High School Block D

Michael Koerner

Century 21/Clark Properties

Jackie Koster

William Kelly Goldman (Nevada Agriculture Foundation)

Cougar Freshmen (Washington State)

Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School

Arnold Settlemeyer (Kiwanis)

Douglas County Farm Bureau

Patrick Lahlum

Amaril Family

Greater Nevada Credit Union

UNR Pack Pride

Greater Nevada Credit Union

Morgan LeFever

Gardnerville Elementary School Douglas Republican Women

Century 21/Clark Properties

Douglas High School Block D

Spencer Lewis

University of Oregon

Trisha Luken

Nicole Snyder Softball

Philip Mannelly

Douglas High School Block D

Carson Valley Little League

Andy Martin

DHS Departmental Award- Music

Bonnie Matheson

Century 21/Clark Properties

Douglas High School Block D

Michaelyn McElhiney

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Carson Valley Lions

Scarselli Elementary

DHS Departmental Award- Music

Kelly McNeil

Minden Fortnightly

Scarselli Elementary


Matthew McLaughlin,

DHS Departmental Award Math

Lauren Miller

Carson Valley Art Association

Loyola Marymount Arrupe Scholar

Melanie Moore

George Washington U.

Linda Morgan,

Douglas County Administrators Assoc.

Will Morgan

Carson Valley Sertoma

Katherine Nalder

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Kyle Neddenreip

DHS Departmental Award- CTE

Krista Noone

Robert Z Hawkins

Katie O'Neill

DHS Departmental Award- English

King and Russo, Ltd.

Connie Wennhold Memorial

Leah Orndoff

Alpine County Parents' Club

Brigita Oxoby

Soroptimist Youth Citizenship Award

University Women/Carson Valley

Barton Hospital Auxiliary

Carson Tahoe Hospital

Robert Z Hawkins

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Pete Borda Memorial


DHS Departmental Award- English, Foreign Language

Dana Pardee

Nicole Snyder Girls' Sports

Andrew Pozun

Sierra Nevada Association

of Realtors

Ryan Pruitt

Nicole Snyder Boys' Sports

Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection

Kiwanis Vocational

C.C. Meneley/Eli Weigel

Douglas High School Block D

DHS Scholar-Athlete

Kevin Roberts

Carson Valley Art Association

DHS Departmental Award- Art

Kira Roberts

Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection

Carson Valley Lions

Ashley Schreiner

Phyllis Robison Memorial

Douglas High School Block D

Ryan Sinclair

Century 21/Clark Properties

Aaron Smith

DHS Departmental Award- Science

Connie Wennhold Memorial

Robert Byrd Merit Scholarship

Alicia Sturgess

Douglas High School Block D

Kelly Sullivan

Century 21/Clark Properties

D'Ascoli Health

UNR Nevada Scholars

Christina Swartz

Miss Douglas County

Bridget Trent

Robert Z Hawkins

Indiana University, Bloomington

Brittney Tupa


Keri Villalobos


Joshua Vega

Nicole Snyder Memorial


Heavenly Valley Resort

Paul Von

Raymond H. Berner Memorial

Topaz Sage Hens

Nate Whalin

Douglas High School Block D

Kayla Watschke

Nevada Agriculture Foundation

Connor Witt

Carson Valley Lions

Pinon Hills PTSO

Padgett Foundation UNR

Ali Witteman

Nicole Snyder Memorial

Miss Douglas County

UNR Pack Pride

Beta Sigma Phi

DHS Departmental Award- Art

Douglas High School Block D

Hillary Wynans

Raymond H. Berner Memorial

John Yered

Greater Nevada Credit Union

Skylar Young

Raymond H. Berner Memorial Douglas High School Block D

DHS Scholar-Athlete