Douglas County legal - 14336

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On 6/17/2021, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners ADOPTED the following ordinance: 
ORDINANCE: 2021-1584 
Ordinance 2021-1584, an ordinance codifying the existence of and 
defining the duties and responsibilities of the Douglas County Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. 
The ordinance shall be in full force and effect on July 2, 2021 and was adopted by the following vote: AYE: Mark Gardner, Walt Nowosad, John Engels, Wes Rice, Danny Tarkanian 
                                                                                                        /S/ John Engels 
                                                               Douglas County Board of Commissioners 
 /s/ Amy Burgans Clerk-Treasurer 

A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s Office for public review. 
Pub: June 24, July 1, 2021. Ad#14336