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Douglas County

Planning Commission Meeting

Public Hearing

A hybrid meeting of the Douglas County

Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday,

September 14, 2021 at 1:00 pm, in the

Douglas County Commissioner Meeting

Room at the Historic Courthouse, 1616 Eighth

Street, Minden and on Zoom®. The Planning

Commission reserves the right to: take items

in a different order; combine two or more

agenda items for consideration; remove items

from the agenda; and/or delay discussions

relating to an item on the agenda at any time.

Douglas County is actively monitoring and

managing the COVID-19 level of risk in our

community by implementing procedures to

minimize contact among individuals and to

slow the spread of COVID-19. In adherence

with Governor Sisolak’s Declaration of

Emergency and Directive 047, participants that

attend the meeting in person will be required

to wear a mask or face covering.

If you would like to attend the hybrid meeting

via Zoom®, please contact the Planning

Department at 775-782-6217 or by email prior to 12:00 pm the

day of the meeting.

The application(s) below will be considered

under the Public Hearing portion of the

meeting. The Agenda and Staff Reports

will be online prior to the meeting http://


For possible action. Discussion on an

appeal of the Administrative Hearing Panel’s

conditions of approval for DP21-0141, a

Tentative Parcel Map. Appealing condition

B.1.a that states “The applicant shall dedicate

10 feet of public right-of-way to Douglas

County along their property line fronting

Genoa Lane (State Route 206) as show on the

Tentative Map”. The subject parcel is located

at 651 Genoa Lane in the A-19 (Agriculture-

19-acre minimum parcel size) zoning district in

the North Agricultural Community Plan (APN

1319-13-000-007). Applicant is Bob Coker,


Frank Settelmeyer Properties, LLC.

Case Planner: Lucille Rao 775-782-6218

The files associated with these hearings

are available for public inspection at the

Douglas County Community Development

Department, Minden Inn, Room 202, 1594

Esmeralda Avenue, Minden, NV. Questions

and comments can be directed to the Case

Planner(s) above, by email to planning@ or fax comments to 775-782-


Pub: September 2, 2021. Ad#16624