Ruby May Olivares celebrated 100 days old while in the NICU at Renown Regional Medical Center.
Renown NICU Nurse Michelle Range
As of Tuesday, Ruby May Olivares is 100 days old and now weighs 5 pound and 9 ounces.
Ruby May was born July 30 at 1 pound, 4 ounces and 11 inches long to Lauren and Ruben Olivares and has been in the NICU at Renown ever since.
“She’s doing so well, and her primary nurses take the time to celebrate every special milestone with us,” said Lauren. “She’s so loved, and I can’t thank them enough for how well they treat our little girl.”
Lauren said Ruby May is now on low-flow oxygen and is working on bottle feeding.
The family is hopeful that she will be home by mid-November, and she can finally meet her older sister.
“Madeline is very excited to hold and snuggle her,” said Lauren.