

Thanks for a successful craft fair

The Carson Valley United Methodist Women would like to thank all those who made our recent craft fair a success. The money earned from this event goes to help those in need in our community and mission projects around the country and the world.

There's a difference

I'm responding to the Nov. 19 R-C letter to the editor "Thankful election's over."

Veterans show a hit

The Elk's Lodge did it again, by sponsoring an impressive and successful benefit concert for our veterans: A thank-you for their service. The program and concert, held at St Gall Pastoral Center on Veterans Day, saw a wonderful turnout of about 370 veterans, their families and guests.

Uniform not a costume

Regarding a letter dated Nov. 19 about the uniform not being a costume. I attended the Veterans Day-USO celebration and I know Florence Judd and her grandson Shawn. The comments were both a put-down to the senior center and Shawn.

Bear hunt wrong for Northern Nevada

My message to Nevada Department of Wildlife commissioners is to give democracy a chance.

Talking about the good ol' days when dinner was 'supper'

My grandmother's nickname was "Granny Apple." She was born and raised in a large Catholic family in the state of Washington until marrying my grandfather and moving to Southern California to raise her own large family.

Turkeys needed for Christmas dinners

The walk-in refrigerator at the Carson Valley Community Food Closet was filled and emptied of food for Thanksgiving, and stands waiting to be filled again in time for Christmas.

Holiday giving

The Douglas Disposal 16th annual food drive benefits the Carson Valley Community Food Closet.

Minden student wins peace poster contest

Wenny Lu, a sixth-grade student at Pinon Hills Elementary School, won the Carson Valley Lion's Club poster contest, and will be entered in the state contest.

Remember When for Dec. 1

The issue of the Record-Courier is printed and mailed Wednesday noon instead of on Friday, our regular publication day. The reason for this is that the editor and his wife could no longer resist the temptation of getting just one glimpse at the San Francisco exposition, before its lights go out Saturday, and accordingly, left for the bay city Wednesday afternoon.

Upcoming Christmas events in the Valley

The Tahoe-Douglas Elks annual spaghetti feed and Christmas tree bingo is 5 p.m. Friday at the CVIC Hall in Minden. Dinner is $6 for adults, $4 for children 10 and younger. The Four Preps perform at 5 p.m. Bingo is played after the gazebo lighting at 6 p.m.

Put Sunrise Estates back in East Valley water system

As many local residents know, on Sept 2, 2010, the county commissioners voted to approve water rate increases for the five county water districts, in the Carson Valley. The water rate increase for the Fairgrounds District, which is comprised of four businesses (three county-owned and one contracted with the county) and Sunrise Estates (34 homes), has increased 319 percent.

Thanks from Sagehens

The Topaz Sagehens wish to thank the community members of Douglas, Lyon and Mono counties who supported our first annual Holiday Bazaar, formerly known as the Fall Boutique, held at the TRE Community Center on Nov. 6. Because of all your efforts our bazaar was a great success.

That's a big boot

The members of the East Fork Professional Firefighters, IAFF No. 3726, would like to thank everyone who contributed to the MDA fill the boot drive last weekend at Walmart. Your local firefighters collected over $4,000 because of your generous donations.

Douglas Disposal food drive Dec. 6-10

Douglas Disposal and its employees host their 16th annual food drive to benefit the Carson Valley Community Food Closet.